Creators-of-Create / Create

[Forge Mod] Building Tools and Aesthetic Technology
MIT License
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Threshold Switch Crash #6453

Closed thecuz1 closed 1 month ago

thecuz1 commented 1 month ago

Describe the Bug

If the threshold switch starts ticking and tries to read a invetory that is not registered yet it will crash, this can happen with a chunk loader is present during a dedicated server start, specically using Create: Power Loader

Reproduction Steps

  1. Install Create and Create: Power Loader mods into a dedicated server and client
  2. Setup a threshold switch connected to a item vault, more then like any modded invetory will trigger this, power the chunk loader loading the area around the threshold switch
  3. Restart dedicated server which will result in a crash from create

Expected Result

Server should start as expected instead of crashing

Screenshots and Videos

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Crash Report or Log

Operating System


Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Forge Version


Other Mods

In crash report

Additional Context

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