Creckeryop / NOBORU

Application for PlayStation Vita to read manga or comics
GNU General Public License v3.0
160 stars 24 forks source link

[Bug] Unknown error (Parser's) #102

Closed Kaisel999 closed 2 years ago

Kaisel999 commented 3 years ago

Whenever I try to open a manga it says unknown error (Parser's) I need help

Creckeryop commented 3 years ago

What's catalog you were using? MangaHub isn't working now, and i really can't fix it

mf-rl commented 3 years ago

Hello. I got the same error message when importing some CBZ files. I tried extracting the jpg files and pack them again in a new zip and change de extensions, and same message appears when trying to import again.

Creckeryop commented 3 years ago

Hello. I got the same error message when importing some CBZ files. I tried extracting the jpg files and pack them again in a new zip and change de extensions, and same message appears when trying to import again.

can you send me your cbz file please?

mf-rl commented 3 years ago

Nevermind. I used Kindle Comic Converter to "convert" it to a new CBZ and now it works. Although all files had JPG extension, I guess some of them were not supported, The conversion with KCC corrected this. Thank you anyway. :)