Creckeryop / NOBORU

Application for PlayStation Vita to read manga or comics
GNU General Public License v3.0
160 stars 24 forks source link

[Bug] #97

Closed xxfraser closed 3 years ago

xxfraser commented 3 years ago

This bug happen yesterday night I waited a day to see what will happen and it’s still there

When I go to MangaHub and go to click on a manga to read it attempts to load and then closes me out of the manga I wanted to read and at the bottom it says (Unknown error Parsers) image

xxfraser commented 3 years ago

It happen to all the manga so I can’t read anything in Mangahub the other catalog seem to work sometimes

Creckeryop commented 3 years ago

Refresh catalog list

Creckeryop commented 3 years ago

It's not a bug, mangaHub changed their API access

xxfraser commented 3 years ago

I ok I try

xxfraser commented 3 years ago

Still does not work for me it still says unknown error and I refreshed the catalog so weird @Creckeryop

xxfraser commented 3 years ago


Creckeryop commented 3 years ago

Okay i undestand now, MangaHub changed their API, so now you can't just make POST request to their API, you need to somehow get access for it. I really don't have any ideas how to fix it. MangaHub parser now can't work with web manga. I really recommend to move on other source, or advice me new source i will try to make parser for it. Sorry about that 😢

xxfraser commented 3 years ago

It’s ok I re download noboru and some of the manga works but not all I’ll trt to move on to another source cuz 90% of the manga I read are from there thank you for trying to help