CredentialEngine / CatalogingGuidance

This repository is for recording issues around cataloging credentials including discretionary decision. The focus is on the cataloger--the person creating descriptions.
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On proper use of the socialMedia property #3

Open stuartasutton opened 7 years ago

stuartasutton commented 7 years ago

The ceterms:socialMedia property has as it's domain both the ceterms:Agent subclasses and ceterms:ContactPoint. So, for example, a multi-campus college may have a set of social media addresses for the college as a whole. It may also have multiple contact points (e.g., for different services or for each of its campuses). Each of these contact points may have their own social media addresses.

However, if such multi-campus college has only a single set of social media addresses that span the multiple campuses and their services, only a single set of social media addresses should entered. The ceterms:socialMedia property in the various campus and service contact points should not repeat this data. Social media data should appear in a contact point description only if that social media is unique to the contact point.

Thus, the following is incorrect:

   "ceterms:socialMedia": [
        {"@id": ""},
        {"@id": ""},
        {"@id": ""},
        {"@id": ""}
    "ceterms:subjectWebpage": [{"@id": ""}],
    "ceterms:targetContactPoint": [{
        "@type": "ceterms:ContactPoint",
        "ceterms:name": "Organization Contact Information",
        "ceterms:socialMedia": [
            {"@id": ""},
            {"@id": ""},
            {"@id": ""},
            {"@id": ""}
        "ceterms:telephone": [

(Black Hawk College CredentialOrganization record in WorkIt)