CredentialEngine / Schema-Development

Development of the vocabularies for the CTI models
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Employment and Earnings Terms - Final Proposal #628

Closed siuc-nate closed 4 years ago

siuc-nate commented 5 years ago

(Note: Work in Progress)

Replaces #376 and #377 The following are planned for the November release.

Note: We should examine classes and properties for cases where terms can be used instead (to avoid needing a middle man mapping process ala EOCred conversion). For example, we can probably use schema:Place instead of ceterms:Place (but need to investigate its impact on the available properties for the class).


Existing Classes Borrowed As-Is:

URI: ceterms:Credential Label: Credential Definition: Qualification, achievement, personal or organizational quality, or aspect of an identity typically used to indicate suitability.

URI: ceterms:JurisdictionProfile Label: Jurisdiction Profile Definition: Geo-political information about applicable geographic areas and their exceptions.

URI: ceterms:Place Label: Place Definition: Entity describing a physical location or geospatial area.

Modifications to Existing/Borrowed Classes:

URI: ceterms:EarningsProfile Label: EarningsProfile Definition: Entity that describes earning and related statistical information for a given credential. Modification: Addition of properties identified below.

URI: ceterms:EmploymentOutcomeProfile Label: EmploymentOutcomeProfile Definition: Entity that describes employment outcomes and related statistical information for a given credential. Modification: Addition of properties identified below.

URI: schema:MonetaryAmount Label: MonetaryAmount Definition: Monetary value or range. Modification: Simplified definition, use of properties identified below.

URI: schema:MonetaryAmountDistribution Label: MonetaryAmountDistribution Definition: Statistical distribution of monetary amounts. Modification: Use of properties identified below.

URI: ceterms:ProcessProfile Label: ProcessProfile Definition: Entity describing the type, nature, and other relevant information about a process related to a resource. Modification: Use of properties identified below.

URI: schema:QuantitativeValue Label: QuantitativeValue Definition: Point value for cohort characteristics and other purposes. Modification: Use of properties identified below.

New Classes:

URI: qdata:DataProfile Label: DataProfile Definition: Entity describing the attributes of the data set, its subjects and their values.

URI: qdata:DataSetProfile Label: DataSetProfile Definition: Particular characteristics or properties of a data set and its records.

URI: qdata:DataSetTimeFrame Label: DataSetTimeFrame Definition: Time frame including earnings and employment start and end dates of the data set.

URI: qdata:SubjectProfile Label: SubjectProfile Definition: Categories of subject in the data set.


Existing Properties Borrowed As-Is:

URI: ceterms:earnings Label: earnings Definition: Entity describing aggregate credential holder earnings data. Domain: Credential Range: ceterms:EarningsProfile

URI: ceterms:employmentOutcome Label: employmentOutcome Definition: Entity describing aggregate data on jobs obtained with the credential by occupation and industry for a given period of time in a specific region. Domain: Credential Range: ceterms:EmploymentOutcomeProfile

URI: schema:maxValue Label: maxValue Definition: Upper value of some characteristic or property. Domain: MonetaryAmount Range: xsd:float

URI: schema:minValue Label: minValue Definition: Lower value of some characteristic or property. Domain: MonetaryAmount Range: xsd:float

URI: schema:value Label: value Definition: Value of a monetary amount or a quantitative value. Domain: MonetaryAmount, QuantitativeValue Range: xsd:float

URI: ceterms:jurisdictionException Label: jurisdictionException Definition: Geographic or political region in which the credential is not formally recognized or an organization has no authority to act . Domain: Jurisdiction Profile Range: ceterms:Place

URI: ceterms:mainJurisdiction Label: mainJurisdiction Definition: Primary geographic or political region in which the credential is recognized as applicable or in which an organization has recognized authority to act. Domain: Jurisdiction Profile Range: ceterms:Place

URI: ceterms:geoURI Label: geoURI Definition: Referenced entity that describes the longitude, latitude and other location details of a place. Domain: Place Range: xsd:anyURI

URI: ceterms:latitude Label: latitude Definition: The longitude of a location. Domain: Place Range: xsd:float

URI: ceterms:longitude Label: longitude Definition: The longitude of a location. Domain: Place Range: xsd:float

URI: schema:unitText Label: unitText Definition: Word or phrase indicating the unit of measure. Domain: QuantitativeValue Range: skos:Concept

URI: ceterms:externalInputType Label: externalInputType Definition: Types of external stakeholders that provide input to an entity's processes or resources; select from an existing enumeration of such types. Domain: ProcessProfile Range: skos:Concept

URI: ceterms:processFrequency Label: processFrequency Definition: Interval of process occurrence. Domain: ProcessProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: ceterms:processMethod Label: processMethod Definition: Webpage or online document that describes the process methods. Domain: ProcessProfile Range: xsd:anyURI

URI: ceterms:processMethodDescription Label: processMethodDescription Definition: Textual description of the process methods. Domain: ProcessProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: ceterms:verificationMethodDescription Label: verificationMethodDescription Definition: Textual description of the methods used to evaluate an assessment, learning opportunity, process or verification service for validity or reliability; e.g., data quality audit. Domain: ProcessProfile Range: rdf:langString

Modifications to Existing/Borrowed Properties:

URI: ceterms:administrationProcess Label: administrationProcess Definition: Entity describing the process by which a resource, or aspects of it, are administered. Domain: DataProfile, SubjectProfile Range: ceterms:ProcessProfile Modification: Added domains

URI: ceterms:description Label: description Definition: Statement, characterization or account of the entity. Domain: DataProfile, DataSetProfile, DataSetTimeFrame, EarningsProfile, EmploymentOutcomeProfile, Jurisdiction Profile, ProcessProfile, QuantitativeValue, SubjectProfile Range: rdf:langString Modification: Added domains

URI: ceterms:jurisdiction Label: jurisdiction Definition: Geographic or political region in which the credential is formally applicable, an organization has authority to act, or in which holders of the credential are employed. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: ceterms:JurisdictionProfile Modification: Added domain

URI: ceterms:name Label: name Definition: Name or title of the resource. Domain: DataSetProfile, DataSetTimeFrame, EarningsProfile, EmploymentOutcomeProfile, Place, SubjectProfile Range: rdf:langString Modification: Added domains

URI: ceterms:source Label: source Definition: Authoritative source of an entity's information. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: xsd:anyURI Modification: Added domain

URI: ceterms:endDate Label: endDate Definition: Date some event or activity ends. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: xsd:date Modification: Added domain

URI: ceterms:startDate Label: startDate Definition: Date the validity or usefulness of the information in this resource begins. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: xsd:date Modification: Added domain

URI: schema:currency Label: currency Definition: Currency abbreviation (e.g., USD). Domain: MonetaryAmount, MonetaryAmountDistribution Range: xsd:string Modification: Simplified definition

URI: ceterms:instructionalProgramType Label: instructionalProgramType Definition: Type of instructional program; select from an existing enumeration of such types. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: skos:Concept Modification: Added domain

URI: ceterms:processingAgent Label: processAgent Definition: Organization or person performing the process. Domain: ProcessProfile Range: ceterms:Agent Modification: Change range

New Properties:

URI: qdata:adjustment Label: adjustment Definition: Describes whether and how the provided earnings have been adjusted for factors such as inflation, participant demographics and economic conditions. Domain: DataProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: qdata:administrativeRecordType Label: administrativeRecordType Definition: Type of administrative record used; e.g. W2, 1099, and Unemployment Insurance Wage Record. Domain: DataProfile, ProcessProfile Range: skos:Concept Target Concept Scheme: qdata:AdministrativeRecordType

URI: qdata:earningsAmount Label: earningsAmount Definition: Reference to an entity describing aggregate earnings. Domain: DataProfile Range: schema:MonetaryAmount

URI: qdata:earningsDefinition Label: earningsDefinition Definition: Definition of "earnings" used by the data source in the context of the reporting group. Domain: DataProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: qdata:earningsDistribution Label: earningsDistribution Definition: Reference to an entity describing median earnings as well as earnings at various percentiles. Domain: DataProfile Range: schema:MonetaryAmountDistribution

URI: qdata:earningsThreshold Label: earningsThreshold Definition: Statement of any work time or earnings threshold used in determining whether a sufficient level of workforce attachment has been achieved to qualify as employed during the time period of the data set. Domain: DataProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: qdata:employmentDefinition Label: employmentDefinition Definition: Statement of criteria used to determine whether sufficient levels of work time and/or earnings have been met to be considered employed during the earning time period. Domain: DataProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: qdata:incomeDetermination Label: incomeDetermination Definition: Mechanism by which income is determined; i.e., actual or annualized earnings. Domain: DataProfile Range: skos:Concept Target Concept Scheme: qdata:IncomeDeterminationMethod

URI: qdata:subjectExclusion Label: subjectExclusion Definition: Category of subjects excluded from the data. Domain: DataProfile Range: skos:Concept

URI: qdata:subjectInclusion Label: subjectInclusion Definition: Category of subjects included in the data. Domain: DataProfile Range: skos:Concept Target Concept Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: qdata:workTimeThreshold Label: workTimeThreshold Definition: Statement of earnings thresholds used in determining whether a sufficient level of workforce attachment has been achieved to qualify as employed during the chosen employment and earnings time period. Domain: DataProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: qdata:dataProvider Label: dataProvider Definition: Credentialing organization or a third party providing the data. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: ceterms:Agent

URI: qdata:dataSetTimePeriod Label: dataSetTimePeriod Definition: Short- and long-term post-award reporting intervals including start and end dates. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: qdata:DateSetTimeFrame

URI: qdata:dataSuppressionPolicy Label: dataSuppressionPolicy Definition: Description of a data suppression policy for earnings and employment data when cell size is below a certain threshold to ensure an individual's privacy and security. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: qdata:distributionFile Label: distributionFile Definition: Downloadable form of this dataset, at a specific location, in a specific format. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: xsd:anyURI

URI: qdata:relevantDataSetFor Label: relevantDataSetFor Definition: Data set for the entity being referenced. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: ceterms:EarningsProfile, ceterms:EmploymentOutcomeProfile

URI: qdata:subjectIdentification Label: subjectIdentification Definition: Identification of data point(s) in the data set that describe personal subject attribute(s) used to uniquely identify a subject for the purpose of matching records and an indication of level of confidence in the accuracy of the match. Domain: DataSetProfile Range: rdf:langString

URI: qdata:dataAttributes Label: dataAttributes Definition: Attributes of the data set. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: qdata:DataProfile

URI: qdata:dataAvailable Label: dataAvailable Definition: Number of credential holders in the reporting group for which employment and earnings data is included in the data set. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:dataNotAvailable Label: dataNotAvailable Definition: Number of credential holders in the reporting group for which employment and earnings data has not been included in the data set. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:dataSourceCoverage Label: dataSourceCoverage Definition: Category of geographic coverage of the subjects. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: skos:Concept Target Concept Scheme: qdata:DataSourceCoverage

URI: qdata:demographicEarningsRate Label: demographicEarningsRate Definition: Earnings rate for a demographic category. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:demographicEmploymentRate Label: demographicEmploymentRate Definition: Employment rate for a demographic category. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:employmentRate Label: employmentRate Definition: Rate computed by dividing the number of holders or subjects meeting the data set's criteria of employment (meetEmploymentCriteria) by the number of holders or subjects for which data was available (dataAvailable). Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:holdersInSet Label: holdersInSet Definition: Number of credential holders in the final data collection and reporting. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:industryRate Label: industryRate Definition: Employment rate for an industry category. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:insufficientEmploymentCriteria Label: insufficientEmploymentCriteria Definition: Number of holders that do not meet the prescribed employment threshold in terms of earnings or time engaged in work as defined for the data set (employmentDefinition). Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:nonCompleters Label: nonCompleters Definition: Non-holders who departed or are likely to depart higher education prematurely. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:nonHoldersInSet Label: nonHoldersInSet Definition: Non-holder subject actively pursuing the credential through a program or assessment. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:occupationRate Label: occupationRate Definition: Employment rate for an occupation category. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:relatedEmployment Label: relatedEmployment Definition: Number of people employed in the area of work (e.g., industry, occupation) in which the credential provided preparation. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:subjectsInSet Label: subjectsInSet Definition: Total credential holders and non-holders in the final data collection and reporting. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:sufficientEmploymentCriteria Label: sufficientEmploymentCriteria Definition: Number of holders that meet the prescribed employment threshold in terms of earnings or time engaged in work as defined for the data set (employmentDefinition). Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:unrelatedEmployment Label: unrelatedEmployment Definition: Number of people employed outside the area of work (e.g., industry, occupation) in which the credential provided preparation. Domain: DataSetTimeFrame Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:relevantDataSet Label: relevantDataSet Definition: Data Set on which earnings or employment data is based. Domain: EarningsProfile, EmploymentOutcomeProfile Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

URI: qdata:median Label: median Definition: Median salary value. Domain: MonetaryAmountDistribution Range: xsd:float

URI: qdata:percentile10 Label: percentile10 Definition: 10th percentile salary value. Domain: MonetaryAmountDistribution Range: xsd:float

URI: qdata:percentile25 Label: percentile25 Definition: 25th percentile salary value. Domain: MonetaryAmountDistribution Range: xsd:float

URI: qdata:percentile75 Label: percentile75 Definition: 75th percentile salary value. Domain: MonetaryAmountDistribution Range: xsd:float

URI: qdata:percentile90 Label: percentile90 Definition: 90th percentile salary value. Domain: MonetaryAmountDistribution Range: xsd:float

URI: qdata:dataCollectionMethod Label: dataCollectionMethod Definition: Category identifying the method by which the data was collected. Domain: ProcessProfile Range: skos:Concept Target Concept Scheme: qData:CollectionMethod

URI: qdata:percentage Label: percentage Definition: Quotient of two values of the data set. Domain: QuantitativeValue Range: xsd:float

URI: qdata:subjectCategory Label: subjectCategory Definition: Categories of subjects included and excluded from the data set. Domain: SubjectProfile Range: skos:Concept Target Concept Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: qdata:subjectValue Label: subjectValue Definition: Quantitative values and percentages for a subject category in the data set. Domain: SubjectProfile Range: schema:QuantitativeValue

Concept Schemes

Modifications to Existing/Borrowed Concept Schemes:

None identified

New Concept Schemes:

URI: qdata:SubjectCategory Label: Subject Category Definition: Categories of subjects for employment and earnings data. Concept Prefix: subjectCategory Used By: qdata:subjectExclusion, qdata:subjectInclusion

URI: qdata:DataSourceCoverage Label: Data Source Coverage Definition: Categories of geographic coverage. Concept Prefix: sourceCoverage Used By: qdata:dataSourceCoverage

URI: qdata:CollectionMethod Label: Collection Method Definition: Categories of methods for collecting data. Concept Prefix: collectionMethod Used By: qdata:dataCollectionMethod

URI: qdata:AdministrativeRecordType Label: Administrative Record Type Definition: Categories of administrative records. Concept Prefix: adminRecord Used By: qdata:administrativeRecordType

URI: qdata:IncomeDeterminationMethod Label: Income Determination Method Definition: Methods for determining the actual or anticipated annual earnings of the subjects in the data set. Concept Prefix: @@@ Used By: qdata:incomeDetermination


Modifications to Existing/Borrowed Concepts:

None identified

New Concepts:

URI: subjectCategory:AssessmentCompleters Label: Assessment Completers Definition: Assessment Completers. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:Enrollees Label: Enrollees Definition: Enrollees. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:Graduates Label: Graduates Definition: Graduates. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:FinancialAidRecipients Label: Financial Aid Recipients Definition: Financial Aid Recipients. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:InFurtherEducation Label: In Further Education Definition: In Further Education. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:CredentialHolders Label: Credential Holders Definition: Credential Holders. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:CredentialSeekers Label: Credential Seekers Definition: Credential Seekers. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:HigherLevelCredential Label: Higher Level Credential Definition: Higher Level Credential. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:InsufficientData Label: Insufficient Data Definition: Insufficient Data. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:PostCredentialEarnings Label: Post-Credential Earnings Definition: Post-Credential Earnings. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: subjectCategory:PreCredentialEarnings Label: Pre-Credential Earnings Definition: Pre-Credential Earnings. In Scheme: qdata:SubjectCategory

URI: sourceCoverage:Global Label: Global Definition: Global. In Scheme: qdata:DataSourceCoverage

URI: sourceCoverage:UrbanArea Label: Urban Area Definition: Urban Area. In Scheme: qdata:DataSourceCoverage

URI: sourceCoverage:Country Label: Country Definition: Country. In Scheme: qdata:DataSourceCoverage

URI: sourceCoverage:Region Label: Region Definition: Region. In Scheme: qdata:DataSourceCoverage

URI: sourceCoverage:StateOrProvince Label: State Or Province Definition: State Or Province. In Scheme: qdata:DataSourceCoverage

URI: collectionMethod:AdministrativeRecordMatching Label: Administrative Record Matching Definition: Administrative Record Matching. In Scheme: qdata:CollectionMethod

URI: collectionMethod:CredentialHolderReporting Label: Credential Holder Reporting Definition: Credential Holder Reporting. In Scheme: qdata:CollectionMethod

URI: collectionMethod:CredentialHolderSurvey Label: Credential Holder Survey Definition: Credential Holder Survey. In Scheme: qdata:CollectionMethod

URI: collectionMethod:SupplementalMethod Label: Supplemental Method Definition: Supplemental Method. In Scheme: qdata:CollectionMethod

URI: collectionMethod:SupplementalSources Label: Supplemental Sources Definition: Supplemental Sources. In Scheme: qdata:CollectionMethod

URI: adminRecord:TaxW2 Label: United States W-2 Tax Document Definition: W-2 Tax document used in the United States. In Scheme: qdata:AdministrativeRecordType

URI: adminRecord:Tax1099 Label: United States 1099 Tax Document Definition: 1099 Tax document used in the United States. In Scheme: qdata:AdministrativeRecordType

URI: adminRecord:UnemploymentInsurance Label: Unemployment Insurance Definition: Unemployment Insurance. In Scheme: qdata:AdministrativeRecordType

siuc-nate commented 4 years ago

@stuartasutton Some of these properties still need ranges, and not all of them are terribly obvious. Is there an existing spreadsheet somewhere that lists them? If not, can you provide ranges for all of the "TBD"s?

Also, we must document some sample data using this schema in order to make sure it makes sense before we release it as a schema. This may mean not having it done in time for the November release cycle, but it will be well worth the quality assurance to not rush it out just to meet a date.

siuc-nate commented 4 years ago

Additional changes:


Subject: ceterms:EmploymentOutcomeProfile Predicate: vs:term_status Object: vs:unstable

Subject: ceterms:EarningsProfile Predicate: vs:term_status Object: vs:unstable


Subject: ceterms:EmploymentOutcomeProfile Predicate: vs:term_status Object: vs:stable

Subject: ceterms:EarningsProfile Predicate: vs:term_status Object: vs:stable

siuc-nate commented 4 years ago

@stuartasutton I have been using definitions for concepts from - however, the following terms are missing definitions:

siuc-nate commented 4 years ago

@stuartasutton Additionally, the subject category terms have an inconsistent mix of singular/plural wording in both their labels and definitions.

siuc-nate commented 4 years ago

These changes have been made.

jeannekitchens commented 4 years ago

This is complete; the release occured on November 29, 2019 This issue is closed.