CredentialEngine / Schema-Development

Development of the vocabularies for the CTI models
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Add availableFellowship property on CredentialOrganization and LearningProgram #858

Open stuartasutton opened 1 year ago

stuartasutton commented 1 year ago

Add a ceterms:availableFellowship property to both ceterms:CredentialOrganization and ceterms:LearningProgram.

URI: ceterms:availableFellowship Label: available fellowship Definition: Short-term opportunity lasting from a few months to several years focussed on the professional development of the fellow that generally includes a living allowance or stipend under sponsorship of a specific organization seeking to expand leadership in a field. Domain: ceterms:CredentialOrganization, ceterms:LearningProgram Range: rdfs:Resource (discuss!)


siuc-nate commented 1 year ago

For context, CTDL already has the following, which may help us figure out what to do here:

I would remove "short-term opportunity" since the range can be "from a few months to several years", the latter of which doesn't seem very short-term.

Given all of that, I would capture a fellowship as follows:

If there is a need to call it out as a fellowship explicitly, then I would either:

stuartasutton commented 1 year ago

There is a need to "call it out as a fellowship specifically" and it is not work-based. Fellowships are a very special kind of beast. Fellows are neither students nor faculty but a worthy "fellow" that seeks to engage in a defined area of study related to faculty interests and research. When I was on the faculty at the Information School at the University of Washington, we would receive 10-20 petitions annually (many from China and other South Asian countries) to come to the School as fellows to engage in work that is defined by the fellow, funded by 3rd parties that also set the criteria for the fellowship and sponsored by faculty with interests in what the fellow proposes to do. Being able to say that a school, college or department of a CredentialOrganization supports an average of so many fellows or accepts fellows at all speaks to both diversity and the breadth and depth of research and learning.

siuc-nate commented 1 year ago

I was leaning more into the definition and comment of WorkBased, which seems like it's broad enough to cover what you describe. If a new Learning Method shouldn't be a subclass of WorkBased, then so be it, but "being paid to do something for someone else" does seem like it falls into the broad category of "work" even if it is academic in nature.