CredentialEngine / Schema-Development

Development of the vocabularies for the CTI models
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Consider removing ceterms:alternateName from classes where it isn't necessary #936

Open siuc-nate opened 4 months ago

siuc-nate commented 4 months ago

In #844 we decided, as a blanket policy, to add ceterms:alternateName to every class that has ceterms:name. I think we may want to revisit this. It seems unnecessary for many of the classes we added it to. For example, certain classes, like Task, rarely have regular names, letalone alternate names. The QData classes I'm currently working on don't need it, either.

The justification for adding it came from this post:

I don't have an example for the other but there's no harm in adding them and if we don't do it now, we'll have to spend time doing it later.

I don't think this is true across the board. We should try to be more demand-driven, especially with a property as broadly-used as Name. Condition Profile, Cost Manifest, Cost Profile, Contact Point, GeoCoordinates, Financial Assistance Profile, Scheduled Offering, and other such classes where the Name isn't particularly important (and usually made up from some recycled template or boilerplate anyway) don't need it. It adds undue clutter to the schema, in my opinion.

I suggest that only classes where ceterms:name is really meaningful, and where alternate names are likely to be present, should have it, such as:

Some classes are a little more of a gray area. They are unlikely to have alternate names, but if they do, it may be worth capturing:

These classes do not, in my opinion, need to keep the alternate name property. Many of these don't even have "real" names in most cases:

mparsons-ce commented 4 months ago

I agree especially where the name is optional. However, where already implemented, what's the harm? The API updates would be trivial, however the finder and publisher changes would take some time to remove the properties from tables, and processing.

siuc-nate commented 4 months ago

Fair point. At the very least, we should be more careful about it going forward. For example, I don't think we should add it to the revised QData classes.

philbarker commented 4 months ago

Got to admit, I don't have a strong opinion on this. Taking it off existing classes seems like needless work, and there is a risk that we'll have to add it back at some point. Not automatically adding it to new classes seems sensible.

jeannekitchens commented 4 months ago

I prefer to leave it as is. The deeper we go into use cases, the more granular they become and the more properties get used.