Credntia / MVBarcodeReader

A Barcode scanner library for Android. Uses the Google Play Services' mobile vision api for barcode detection.
Apache License 2.0
68 stars 22 forks source link

View finder #19

Closed GeorgeArgyrakis closed 7 years ago

GeorgeArgyrakis commented 7 years ago

Tweak SINGLE_AUTO to actually scan (return a barcode) only when center point of screen resides inside barcode's bounding box.

iamMehedi commented 7 years ago

The easiest way to add the ViewFinder and enforce that behavior for SINGLE_AUTO mode without altering the library or it's default behavior would be: to extend the BarcodeCaptureFragment and then override onCreateView to add the ViewFinder to view and override onBarcodeDetected and onTap for checking.