CreeperHost / FTB-Backups-2

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Partially Ignores "Only run a backup if a player has been online since the last backup" setting #7

Closed confusingSmile closed 2 years ago

confusingSmile commented 2 years ago

Running a server with All The Mods 7 version 0.4.0 which freshly includes this mod. (did update the modpack from a version that also included Alex's Mobs, which in effect causes a lot of lines of spam, but all in one go.

Quoting the config file: ""only_if_players_been_online": true"

I expect it not to run a backup and just skip it. Before writing the above I did not notice, but I read the log to remove personal info and I noticed, it DOES say it skips the backup when it should skip the backup. It doesn't actually skip it, however. Attaching the log, in which I anonymized the player name and the folder with my reallife name Also attached, an image of the folder containing the "skipped" backups.

latest - Removed personal info.log

backups are made
covers1624 commented 2 years ago

Appears we are missing a return in this if statement:

Also appears to be a me derp..

confusingSmile commented 2 years ago

No worries, man. Happens to the best of us, which is you ;P

gigabit101 commented 2 years ago

Fixed in 1.0.3