Creoox / creoox-ifc2gltfcxconverter

Public repository of Creoox & XeoKit convertion Tool
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Missing units of property sets with same name. #1

Closed YCamposGes closed 5 months ago

YCamposGes commented 5 months ago

When exporting from IFC to glTF, I have encountered some issues with the JSON generated from the IFC. Some of the property sets contain duplicated values and have lost their original values. Here is a simple diagram of the expected output versus the output we received: Diagrama sin título drawio

The JSON of the properties we received had every property from the IFC listed once, except for any property containing an ID: imagen The JSON I needed from the IFC should look something like this: imagen

Where properties with the same names but different values are also stored.

Is there any chance we could include a parameter in ifc2gltfcxconverter.json to allow us to retrieve duplicate properties in the JSON?

ifcquery commented 5 months ago

Can you share the IFC file? Should be possible to fix relatively easy

ifcquery commented 5 months ago

Can you also please check the "properties": [] array of the propertySets assigned to objects BuildingElementProxy_1, _2, and _3?

The property values are not in sequential order, but the index in "properties": [] array in each propertySet should point to the correct values in the global "properties": [] array

ifcapps commented 5 months ago

This issue is fixed in latest release: Please check and confirm or report if problems persist.

YCamposGes commented 5 months ago


The issue is fixed, thank you.

ifcapps commented 5 months ago

By the way: in which context do you use the application? What kind of business is it? And in a server side workflow, or just manually on a local machine?

YCamposGes commented 5 months ago

The application is being tested for our internal use, we expertise on modeling roads, bridges and tunnels. I am on the sofware side of the company making applications for our engineers. The application is not yet implemented on our workflow, we are testing alternatives on how to save our ifc's data for analysis.