Creoox / creoox-ifc2gltfcxconverter

Public repository of Creoox & XeoKit convertion Tool
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get only metadata and skipping xkt output? #4

Closed cT4001 closed 2 months ago

cT4001 commented 5 months ago

Hi together,

guess there is no way (until now) to skipt xkt out and only output the metdata json, right? background: we converted our dataset (with > 3000 ifc files) already to xkt, but sadly discarded the metadata jsons... Now we need to add the metadata and do not want to covert everything again..

ifcquery commented 5 months ago

Hmm, good question.

If you access the metadata directly from the JSON file, then you need to run only the ifc2gltf converter: ifc2gltfcxconverter -o fileName.gltf -m metadata.json

Conversion to xkt is not necessary in that case.

If you access metadata from the xkt file (compressed), then you have to run the conversion from (gltf+json) -> xkt.

ifcapps commented 2 months ago

The converter has been updated several times meanwhile, so it makes sense to run the conversion for all files again, with geometry + metadata. Theoretically it is possible to exclude geometry from the conversion process, converting only meta data. But that would add complexity to the application (of which there is already plenty), so not planned at the moment.