CrestApps / laravel-code-generator

An efficient Laravel code generator, saving time by automating the creation of resources such as views, controllers, routes, migrations, languages, and form-requests. Highly flexible and customizable, it includes a cross-browser compatible template and client-side validation for application modernization.
MIT License
738 stars 158 forks source link

any bug with creating views? #21

Closed qcol closed 7 years ago

qcol commented 7 years ago

I tried to run examples from doc, but got error as below:

php artisan fields-file:create AssetCategory --names=id,name,description,is_active --translation-for=en,ar

it's OK, json was created but then:

php artisan create:resources AssetCategory

and something goes wrong with creating views

Scaffolding resources for asset category...
A model was crafted successfully.
A controller was crafted successfully.
The routes were added successfully.
Crafting views...

  Argument 2 passed to CrestApps\CodeGenerator\HtmlGenerators\StandardHtml::g  
  etLabelElement() must be an instance of CrestApps\CodeGenerator\Models\Labe  
  l, boolean given, called in /var/www/crestappdev/vendor/crestapps/laravel-c  
  ode-generator/src/HtmlGenerators/HtmlGeneratorBase.php on line 723 and defi  
MikeAlhayek commented 7 years ago

When running the above command in a fresh environment it works perfectly fine. I am suspecting something with your local environment. Either way you should not get that exception so I like to reproduce and trace it.

Can you please share the content of you /resources/codegenerator-files/asset_categories.json and /config/codegenerator.php files so I can reproduce the issue?

qcol commented 7 years ago


        "name": "id",
        "labels": "Id",
        "html-type": "hidden",
        "css-class": "",
        "options": {},
        "html-value": null,
        "validation": "",
        "is-on-index": false,
        "is-on-show": false,
        "is-on-form": false,
        "data-type": "int",
        "data-type-params": [],
        "data-value": null,
        "is-index": false,
        "is-unique": false,
        "is-primary": true,
        "comment": null,
        "is-nullable": false,
        "is-header": false,
        "is-unsigned": true,
        "is-auto-increment": true,
        "is-inline-options": false,
        "is-date": false,
        "date-format": "",
        "cast-as": "",
        "placeholder": {},
        "delimiter": "; ",
        "range": [],
        "foreign-relation": null,
        "foreign-constraint": null,
        "on-store": null,
        "on-update": null
        "name": "name",
        "labels": {
            "en": "Name",
            "ar": "Name"
        "html-type": "text",
        "css-class": "",
        "options": {},
        "html-value": null,
        "validation": "required|string|min:1|max:255",
        "is-on-index": true,
        "is-on-show": true,
        "is-on-form": true,
        "data-type": "string",
        "data-type-params": [
        "data-value": null,
        "is-index": false,
        "is-unique": false,
        "is-primary": false,
        "comment": null,
        "is-nullable": false,
        "is-header": true,
        "is-unsigned": false,
        "is-auto-increment": false,
        "is-inline-options": false,
        "is-date": false,
        "date-format": "",
        "cast-as": "",
        "placeholder": {
            "en": "Enter name here...",
            "ar": "Enter name here..."
        "delimiter": "; ",
        "range": [],
        "foreign-relation": null,
        "foreign-constraint": null,
        "on-store": null,
        "on-update": null
        "name": "description",
        "labels": {
            "en": "Description",
            "ar": "Description"
        "html-type": "textarea",
        "css-class": "",
        "options": {},
        "html-value": null,
        "validation": "string|min:1|max:1000",
        "is-on-index": false,
        "is-on-show": true,
        "is-on-form": true,
        "data-type": "string",
        "data-type-params": [
        "data-value": null,
        "is-index": false,
        "is-unique": false,
        "is-primary": false,
        "comment": null,
        "is-nullable": true,
        "is-header": false,
        "is-unsigned": false,
        "is-auto-increment": false,
        "is-inline-options": false,
        "is-date": false,
        "date-format": "",
        "cast-as": "",
        "placeholder": {},
        "delimiter": "; ",
        "range": [],
        "foreign-relation": null,
        "foreign-constraint": null,
        "on-store": null,
        "on-update": null
        "name": "is_active",
        "labels": {
            "en": "Is Active",
            "ar": "Is Active"
        "html-type": "checkbox",
        "css-class": "",
        "options": {},
        "html-value": null,
        "validation": "boolean",
        "is-on-index": true,
        "is-on-show": true,
        "is-on-form": true,
        "data-type": "bool",
        "data-type-params": [],
        "data-value": null,
        "is-index": false,
        "is-unique": false,
        "is-primary": false,
        "comment": null,
        "is-nullable": false,
        "is-header": false,
        "is-unsigned": false,
        "is-auto-increment": false,
        "is-inline-options": false,
        "is-date": false,
        "date-format": "",
        "cast-as": "",
        "placeholder": {},
        "delimiter": "; ",
        "range": [],
        "foreign-relation": null,
        "foreign-constraint": null,
        "on-store": null,
        "on-update": null

return [

    | The default template to use.
    | Here you change the stub templates to use when generating code.
    | You can duplicate the 'default' template folder
    | and call it what ever template name you like 'ex. skyblue'.
    | Now, you can change the stubs to have your own templates generated.
    | IMPORTANT: It is not recomended to modify the default template, rather create a new template.
    | If you modify the default template and then executed 'php artisan vendor:publish' command,
    | will override your changes!
    'template' => 'default',

    | The default path where the templates are located.
    | In this path, you can add more templates.
    'templates_path' => 'resources/codegenerator-templates',

    | Array of templetes that should be generated with Laravel-Collective.
    | If you want to generate code by using laravel-collective, you must first
    | install the package. Then add the tamplate name that should be using
    | Laravel-Collective extensions when generating code.
    'laravel_collective_templates' => [

    | The default path of where the uploaded files lives.
    'files_upload_path' => 'uploads',

    | The default output format for datetime fields.
    | This output format can also be changed at the field level using the 
    | "date-format" property of the field.
    'datetime_out_format' => 'm/d/Y H:i A',

    | The default path of where the json field files are located.
    | In this path, you can create json file to import the fields from.
    'fields_file_path' => 'resources/codegenerator-files',

    | The default path of where the migrations will be generated into.
    'migrations_path' => 'database/migrations',

    | The default path of where the controllers will be generated into.
    'form_requests_path' => 'Http/Requests',

    | The default path of where the controllers will be generated into.
    'controllers_path' => 'Http/Controllers',

    | The default path of where the models will be generated into.
    'models_path' => 'Models',

    | The default path of where the languages will be generated into.
    'languages_path' => 'resources/lang',

    | The name of the default resources map file.
    'default_mapper_file_name' => 'resources_map.json',

    | Should the code generator auto manage resources mappers?
    'auto_manage_resource_mapper' => true,

    | Key phrases that are will be used to determine if a field name should be used for header.
    'common_header_patterns' => ['title','name','label','header'],

    | Patterns to use to generate the html placeholders.
    | When creating the fields, the code generator follows a pattern to generate
    | placeholders for the html code. Here you can define which html-types should
    | the generator create placeholder for. Also, you can define how would you like
    | the text to read when no placeholder is assigned.
    | The follwowing templates can be used to. assuming the field name is owner_name
    | [% field_name %]                   <=> "owner name"
    | [% field_name_sentence %]          <=> "Owner name"
    | [% field_name_plural %]            <=> "owner names"
    | [% field_name_plural_title %]      <=> "Owner Names"
    | [% field_name_snake %]             <=> "owner_name"
    | [% field_name_studly %]            <=> "OwnerName"
    | [% field_name_slug %]              <=> "owner-name"
    | [% field_name_kebab %]             <=> "owner-name"
    | [% field_name_title %]             <=> "Owner Name"
    | [% field_name_title_upper %]       <=> "OWNER NAME"
    | [% field_name_plural_variable %]   <=> "ownerNames"
    | [% field_name_singular_variable %] <=> "ownerName"
    'placeholder_by_html_type' => 
        'text'      => 'Enter [% field_name %] here...',
        'number'    => 'Enter [% field_name %] here...',
        'password'  => 'Enter [% field_name %] here...',
        'email'     => 'Enter [% field_name %] here...',
        'select'    => 'Select [% field_name %]',

    | Key phrases that are will be used to determine if a field should have a relation.
    | When creating resources from existing database, the codegenerator scans
    | the field's name for a mattching pattern. When found, these field are considred
    | foreign keys even when the database does not have a foreign constraints.
    | Here you can specify patterns to help the generator understand your
    | database naming convension.
    'common_key_patterns' => ['*_id','*_by'],

    | Patterns to use to pre-set field's properties.
    | To make constructing fields easy, the code-generator scans the field's name
    | for a matching pattern. If the name matches any of these patterns, the
    | field's properties will be set accordingly. Defining pattern will save 
    | you from having to re-define the properties for common fields.
    'common_definitions' => [
            'match' => 'id',
            'set'   => [
                'is-on-form'        => false,
                'is-on-index'       => false,
                'is-on-show'        => false,
                'html-type'         => 'hidden',
                'data-type'         => 'integer',
                'is-primary'        => true,
                'is-auto-increment' => true,
                'is-nullable'       => false,
                'is-unsigned'       => true,
            'match' => ['title','name','label','header'],
            'set'   => [
                'is-nullable'      => false,
                'data-type'        => 'string',
                'data-type-params' => [255],
            'match' => ['*count*','total*','*number*','*age*'],
            'set'   => [
                'html-type'   => 'number'
            'match' => ['description*','detail*','note*','message*'],
            'set'   => [
                'is-on-index'      => false,
                'html-type'        => 'textarea',
                'data-type-params' => [1000],
            'match' => ['picture','file','photo'],
            'set'   => [
                'is-on-index' => false,
                'html-type'   => 'file',
            'match' => ['*password*'],
            'set'   => [
                'html-type'   => 'password'
            'match' => ['*email*'],
            'set'   => [
                'html-type'   => 'email'
            'match' => ['*_id','*_by'],
            'set'   => [
                'data-type'   => 'integer',
                'html-type'   => 'select',
                'is-nullable' => false,
                'is-unsigned' => true,
                'is-index'    => true,
            'match' => ['*_at'],
            'set'   => [
                'data-type'   => 'datetime',
            'match' => ['created_at','updated_at','deleted_at'],
            'set'   => [
                'data-type'   => 'datetime',
                'is-on-form'  => false,
                'is-on-index' => false,
                'is-on-show'  => true,
            'match' => ['*_date'],
            'set'   => [
                'data-type'   => 'date',
                'date-format' => 'm/d/Y',
            'match' => ['is_*','has_*'],
            'set'   => [
                'data-type'   => 'boolean',
                'html-type'   => 'checkbox',
                'is-nullable' => false,
            'match' => 'created_by',
            'set'   => [
                'title'            => 'Creator',
                'data-type'        => 'integer',
                'foreign-relation' => [
                    'name'   => 'creator',
                    'type'   => 'belongsTo',
                    'params' => [
                    'field'  => 'name',
                'on-store'   => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::Id();',
            'match' => ['updated_by','modified_by'],
            'set'   => [
                'title'            => 'Updater',
                'data-type'        => 'integer',
                'foreign-relation' => [
                    'name'   => 'updater',
                    'type'   => 'belongsTo',
                    'params' => [
                    'field'  => 'name',
                'on-update'  => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth::Id();',

    | Non-Field base labels to be replaced in the views.
    | List of generic non-field labels to be replaced in the views.
    | The "key" of the array is the value to be used in the locale files.
    | The "text" key of the sub array, is the string to display in the view or add to the locale files.
    | The "template" key of the sub array, is the string to be use in the view for replacement.
    | The "in-function-with-collective" key of the sub array, tell the generator that,
    | this string would be used in a function or not.
    | The follwowing templates can be used. Assuming the model name is AssetCategory
    | [% model_name %]                   <=> "asset category"
    | [% model_name_sentence %]          <=> "Asset category"
    | [% model_name_plural %]            <=> "asset categories"
    | [% model_name_plural_title %]      <=> "Asset Category"
    | [% model_name_snake %]             <=> "asset_category"
    | [% model_name_studly %]            <=> "AssetCategory"
    | [% model_name_slug %]              <=> "asset-category"
    | [% model_name_kebab %]             <=> "asset-category"
    | [% model_name_title %]             <=> "Asset Category"
    | [% model_name_title_upper %]       <=> "ASSET CATEGORY"
    | [% model_name_plural_variable %]   <=> "assetCategories"
    | [% model_name_singular_variable %] <=> "assetCategory"
    | ~Example
    | Lets say we need to add a new template in our views that reads the following
    | "Creating resources for ... was a breeze!"
    | The following entry can be added to the below array
    |    'custom_template_1' => [
    |        'text'     => 'Creating resources for [% model_name %] was a breeze!',
    |        'template' => 'custom_template_example',
    |    ],
    | Finally, add [% custom_template_example %] in the view where you want it to appear!
    'generic_view_labels' =>    [
        'create' => [
            'text'     => 'Create New [% model_name_title %]',
            'template' => 'create_model',
        'delete' => [
            'text'     => 'Delete [% model_name_title %]',
            'template' => 'delete_model',
            'in-function-with-collective' => true,
        'edit'   => [
            'text'     => 'Edit [% model_name_title %]',
            'template' => 'edit_model',
        'show'   => [
            'text'     => 'Show [% model_name_title %]',
            'template' => 'show_model',
        'show_all' => [
            'text'     => 'Show All [% model_name_title %]',
            'template' => 'show_all_models',
        'add' => [
            'text'     => 'Add',
            'template' => 'add',
            'in-function-with-collective' => true,
        'update' => [
            'text'     => 'Update',
            'template' => 'update',
            'in-function-with-collective' => true,
        'confirm_delete' => [
            'text'     => 'Delete [% model_name_title %]?',
            'template' => 'confirm_delete',
            'in-function-with-collective' => true,
        'none_available' => [
            'text'     => 'No [% model_name_plural_title %] Available!',
            'template' => 'no_models_available',
        'model_plural' => [
            'text'     => '[% model_name_plural_title %]',
            'template' => 'model_plural',
        'model_was_added' => [
            'text'     => '[% model_name_title %] was successfully added!',
            'template' => 'model_was_added',
        'model_was_updated' => [
            'text'     => '[% model_name_title %] was successfully updated!',
            'template' => 'model_was_updated',
        'model_was_deleted' => [
            'text'     => '[% model_name_title %] was successfully deleted!',
            'template' => 'model_was_deleted',
        'unexpected_error' => [
            'text'     => 'Unexpected error occurred while trying to process your request',
            'template' => 'unexpected_error',

    | The data-value to Eloquent method mapping.
    | In here you can add more keys to the array and Eloquent method name as the value.
    | A list of Eloquent methods can be found on this link
    | The only time you really have to add more items here is if you don't like using the existing data-value that are used
    | with the code generator.
    'eloquent_type_to_method' =>
        'char'                  => 'char',
        'date'                  => 'date',
        'datetime'              => 'dateTime',
        'datetimetz'            => 'dateTimeTz',
        'biginteger'            => 'bigIncrements',
        'bigint'                => 'bigIncrements',
        'blob'                  => 'binary',
        'binary'                => 'binary',
        'bool'                  => 'boolean',
        'boolean'               => 'boolean',
        'decimal'               => 'decimal',
        'double'                => 'double',
        'enum'                  => 'enum',
        'list'                  => 'enum',
        'float'                 => 'float',
        'int'                   => 'integer',
        'integer'               => 'integer',
        'ipaddress'             => 'ipAddress',
        'json'                  => 'json',
        'jsonb'                 => 'jsonb',
        'longtext'              => 'longText',
        'macaddress'            => 'macAddress',
        'mediuminteger'         => 'mediumInteger',
        'mediumint'             => 'mediumInteger',
        'mediumtext'            => 'mediumText',
        'morphs'                => 'morphs',
        'string'                => 'string',
        'varchar'               => 'string',
        'nvarchar'              => 'string',
        'text'                  => 'text',
        'time'                  => 'time',
        'timetz'                => 'timeTz',
        'tinyinteger'           => 'tinyInteger',
        'tinyint'               => 'tinyInteger',
        'timestamp'             => 'timestamp',
        'timestamptz'           => 'timestampTz',
        'unsignedbiginteger'    => 'unsignedBigInteger',
        'unsignedbigint'        => 'unsignedBigInteger',
        'unsignedInteger'       => 'unsignedInteger',
        'unsignedint'           => 'unsignedInteger',
        'unsignedmediuminteger' => 'unsignedMediumInteger',
        'unsignedmediumint'     => 'unsignedMediumInteger',
        'unsignedsmallinteger'  => 'unsignedSmallInteger',
        'unsignedsmallint'      => 'unsignedSmallInteger',
        'unsignedtinyinteger'   => 'unsignedTinyInteger',
        'uuid'                  => 'uuid',

    | Eloquent method to html-type mapping.
    | This is the mapping used to convert database-column into html field
    'eloquent_type_to_html_type' =>
        'char'                  => 'text',
        'date'                  => 'text',
        'dateTime'              => 'text',
        'dateTimeTz'            => 'text',
        'bigIncrements'         => 'number',
        'bigIncrements'         => 'number',
        'binary'                => 'textarea',
        'boolean'               => 'checkbox',
        'decimal'               => 'number',
        'double'                => 'number',
        'enum'                  => 'select',
        'float'                 => 'number',
        'integer'               => 'number',
        'integer'               => 'number',
        'ipAddress'             => 'text',
        'json'                  => 'checkbox',
        'jsonb'                 => 'checkbox',
        'longText'              => 'textarea',
        'macAddress'            => 'text',
        'mediumInteger'         => 'number',
        'mediumText'            => 'textarea',
        'string'                => 'text',
        'text'                  => 'textarea',
        'time'                  => 'text',
        'timeTz'                => 'text',
        'tinyInteger'           => 'number',
        'tinyInteger'           => 'number',
        'timestamp'             => 'text',
        'timestampTz'           => 'text',
        'unsignedBigInteger'    => 'number',
        'unsignedBigInteger'    => 'number',
        'unsignedInteger'       => 'number',
        'unsignedInteger'       => 'number',
        'unsignedMediumInteger' => 'number',
        'unsignedMediumInteger' => 'number',
        'unsignedSmallInteger'  => 'number',
        'unsignedSmallInteger'  => 'number',
        'unsignedTinyInteger'   => 'number',
        'uuid'                  => 'text',
MikeAlhayek commented 7 years ago

I am still unable to reproduce the problems. What Laravel version are you running? What version of Laravel-Code-Generator are you using?

qcol commented 7 years ago

I upgraded 2.0 to 2.1

my composer section about versions...:

"require": {
        "php": ">=5.6.4",
        "laravel/framework": "5.4.*",
        "laravel/tinker": "~1.0",
        "spatie/laravel-permission": "^1.12"
    "require-dev": {
        "crestapps/laravel-code-generator": "2.1.*",
        "fzaninotto/faker": "~1.4",
        "mockery/mockery": "0.9.*",
        "phpunit/phpunit": "~5.7"
MikeAlhayek commented 7 years ago

Try the following to see if that fixes the problem

composer update
composer dumpautoload
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CrestApps\CodeGenerator\CodeGeneratorServiceProvider" --tag=default --force

Then execute your commands

php artisan fields-file:create AssetCategory --names=id,name,description,is_active --translation-for=en,ar --force
php artisan create:resources AssetCategory --force
qcol commented 7 years ago

still the same:


but maybe it's just mine problem... I will try clean install and will try

qcol commented 7 years ago

OK, it works on fresh install! The previous installation was purely for testing - there is nothing to worry about...

MikeAlhayek commented 7 years ago

Glad everything is fine. I am guessing you were using v2.1.0 not v2.1.1. v2.1.2 will be coming up in few hours to fixed a bug in v2.1.1.