Cretezy / flutter_linkify

Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter
MIT License
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Support for Link titles like in HTML Links #102

Open wiwimaster opened 2 years ago

wiwimaster commented 2 years ago


If I understand flutter_linkify correctly, it can convert the text "https://some-nice-url" into a link, but the visible link text would also be "https://some-nice-url", correct?

Is it possible to support a deviating link title (think of "click here") through some kind of link prefix / suffix, or converting a classic HTML link like click here with flutter_linkify?

I believe there are many projects out there where inline-Links are coming from some sort of HTML source (like now for me).

Thanks for your help Jan

jean-morissette commented 2 years ago

We have the same need. Any update on this issue?

erayerdin commented 2 years ago

Welp, for those looking for a quick solution, this is achievable with flutter_markdown package, which is an overkill but does the thing.

rekire commented 2 years ago

I wrote now in about on hour this simple url parser for the widget RichText:

I hope that will help others.