Cretezy / flutter_linkify

Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter
MIT License
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[Bug] Selecting text when SelectableLinkify has a link is janky #117

Open LegendAF opened 1 year ago

LegendAF commented 1 year ago

This is very similar to this issue:

You are able to select the text normally until you introduce a link. Once a link has been put into the text, you can no longer select what to copy with precision and must copy the entire block of text. Once you try to select a portion of the text you can see that it does not allow for it.

I am on iOS 16 and Flutter 3.7.

You may also notice in this video that when you select on portion of text and then move to highlight something else it leaves it highlighted. Not sure what's up with that either. (hello.thisisalink remains highlighted the whole video)