Cretezy / flutter_linkify

Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter
MIT License
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Extend styling options for custom LinkableElements like @mention, #hashTag, custom names [docs]( #130

Open Vov4yk opened 6 months ago

Vov4yk commented 6 months ago

Thank you for good library. I'm working on some extension for it on my project.

There is custom Linkifier example I've described in other issue here .

It works, but would be nice cusmize it's style. So I'm wondering why List<InlineSpan>? buildTextSpanChildren() and TextSpan buildTextSpan() are global? I wish it would live inside any library's object. It that case I could do extends Linkify and override methods to handle my own LinkableElements.
Thank you.

fraboniface commented 1 month ago


It would be great if at least linkStyle could depend on the (type of the) LinkableElement. To take my case as example, I would like links and emails to be underlined and user tags to be bold and not underlined