Cretezy / flutter_linkify

Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter
MIT License
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Linkify dont work when wrapped in CupertinoButton.filled Button #63

Closed janbildsoehansen closed 3 years ago

janbildsoehansen commented 3 years ago

Hey im new to flutter and im facing a issuse with Linkify dont work when wrapped in CupertinoButton.filled Button im i doing it wrong or..??

                              child: Text(landmark.hjemmeside),
                              onPressed: () {
                                  onOpen: (link) async {
                                    if (await canLaunch(link.url)) {
                                      await launch(link.url);
                                    } else {
                                      throw 'Could not launch $link';
                                  text: landmark.hjemmeside,
aaqibismail commented 3 years ago

You don't need to use a button unless you want the entire text to be clickable. If you only want the hyperlink to be clickable but have the style of a button consider wrapping your Linkify in a Container and styling it like a button.

janbildsoehansen commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your answer will try that

Cretezy commented 3 years ago

@janbildsoehansen Closing as it you seem to have found the solution. Feel free to reopen!