Closed FlaMike closed 1 year ago
It seems like this integration has not been loving your salt cell very much! lol.
Just to confirm, you are getting the salt needed reading in dashPanel (though if I remember correctly it only shows up when a certain amount is needed). Unfortunately all my stuff is down for the winter and my mock setup won't populate the fields since I don't have a actual SWG its talking to. If you were to make a call to http://<ipaddress>:4200/state/chlorinator/1
, is there a saltRequired
field? If so, does it match what Home Assistant is showing?
As always, thank you for your quick response!
Life as my salt cell is certainly challenging these days :-0
The poolController url shows a saltRequired value of 0, so it appears the challenge is not in your integration. I guess I should send a note to the poolController folks.
FYI, below is the entire response from the poolController. Interestingly, it also shows an output value of 8% even though the salt cell is off due to low temperature of the water. So I guess they have two issues, at least in my pool.
{"id":1,"disabled":false,"isActive":true,"spaSetpoint":10,"poolSetpoint":8,"body":{"val":32,"name":"poolspa","desc":"Pool/Spa"},"name":"Intellichlor--20","type":{"val":0,"name":"pentair","desc":"Pentair"},"saltLevel":2850,"saltRequired":0,"status":{"val":0,"name":"ok","desc":"Ok"},"superChlorHours":8,"superChlor":false,"superChlorRemaining":0,"targetOutput":8,"model":{"val":2,"name":"intellichlor--20","desc":"IntelliChlor IC20","capacity":20000,"chlorinePerDay":0.7,"chlorinePerSec":0.000008101851851851852},"lastComm":1673984950152,"currentOutput":8,"equipmentType":"chlorinator","saltTarget":3400}
I'll go ahead and close this as its a nodejs-poolController problem. Hopefully they'll get it figured out for you quickly.
For the past few weeks, the value sensor.intellichlor_20_salt_required has been zero even though the target salt level is several hundred ppm above the reported salt level in the pool. I am running version 4.1 of njs-PC-HA. I believe this issue began when I installed the 4.1 update. All other sensor values appear to be OK.
I have reloaded both the HACS njs-PC (and restarted HA) and the HA integration without any changes in the value of this sensor.
While this is not a huge deal--I still get reported salt values and target salt values so I can tell if I need to add salt, I thought I should bring this to your attention.
Thanks again for this fabulous program & your excellent help & support!