CrisisCleanup / crisiscleanup-1

[OLD] Legacy Crisis Cleanup on GAE/Python
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Create Per-Incident Assessment Form #136

Closed aarontitus closed 11 years ago

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

Original author: (January 13, 2013 22:21:04)

For each new Incident, the administrator will create an Incident-specific Assessment/ Intake form by picking from among these data points. For example, if there is an earthquake in California, the administrator will include only earthquake-related issues, but not flood-related issues on the assessment/intake form (unless there was an associated tsunami, for example).

Each incident Assessment Form should be automatically saved, and may be used as a template starting point for future Incident Assessment Forms.

This issue relies upon the creation of a Data Point bank described in #135. Each organization may have a unique view of this form, depending on the types of work they do (See #137).

Original issue:

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on April 13, 2013 01:50:19 • name: String. E.g. “zip_code” • phase: Enum string. Name of the phase to which this task belongs. A task may have one phase. The phase is used to build customized maps and build the Claim, Status and Report section, which must include at least a “Claim for” and “Current Status” for each unique phase named in the form.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

Done. We'll revisit this with Issue #237, the XML Incident Definition.