CrisisCleanup / crisiscleanup-1

[OLD] Legacy Crisis Cleanup on GAE/Python
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Create an "Incident" #14

Closed aarontitus closed 11 years ago

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

Original author: (November 05, 2012 17:44:35)

This system will be reused several times. I should be able to create a concept called "Incident," which would be the name of a hurricane, earthquake, etc. All work orders should be associated with an Incident.

Original issue:

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on November 06, 2012 19:08:15 This is not launch blocking, unless you are planning another hurricane this week.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on November 06, 2012 19:39:32 Agreed. I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of it, because it could be a fundamental database change that would be difficult to reverse-engineer. If you think it's low priority, then I agree.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on November 08, 2012 02:20:58 I've added the basic capability here, as it was necessary for reasonable case numbers. There will be a lot of work to make each individual page capable of handing per-disaster information. Maybe we should set it in the cookie.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 13, 2013 22:03:06 This issue is required to complete #101. Bumping it back up to High priority.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 13, 2013 23:14:19 Administrator Create/Edit/Approve/Hide a New Incident/Disaster

An Administrator can either 1. Create (or edit, or hide) a new Incident from scratch, or 2. Approve or decline a new Incident/Disaster submitted per Issue **, Item 3.2. Note: The effect of Hiding an incident is to completely restrict access to the incident and all associated work orders, because it will no longer appear in the drop-down menu on the login screen. Also note: Any organizations or members/points of contact associated with an unapproved Incident/Disaster are also temporarily held unapproved until the Incident/Disaster is approved. Collect the following information:

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 14, 2013 02:05:51

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 14, 2013 23:49:32 Clarification for note above: "2. Approve or decline a new Incident/Disaster submitted per #140, Item 3.2."

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 22, 2013 02:06:08 There should be some method to locate (either manually or automatically) the approximate geocoordinates of the center of the disaster. That way, we can build a tool that will allow the system to automatically send alerts to organizations within a X-mile radius of the disaster, to ask if they want to register for the incident.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 22, 2013 13:24:48

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 30, 2013 01:06:31 --------EVENT/INCIDENT MODEL---------- class Incident(db.Model):|Note, I changed "Event" to "Incident". As this might create a cascade of unintended consequences and bugs as you track down every instantiation of "Event," I'm not going to insist on the change. full_name = db.StringProperty(required = True)|E.g. "Hurricane Sandy" shortcut_name = db.StringProperty(required = True)|A single, lowercase word that will be used in the URL to simplify the sign-in process E.g. "sandy", "atlantatornado", etc.: created_date = db.DateProperty(auto_now_add=True)|Date the Incident was created in the system start_date = db.DateProperty(auto_now_add=True)|Date the Incident started. This date will usually be prior to created_date, and should be editable. For example, we're going to create a Hurricane Isaac Incident in a few weeks, even though Isaac happened several months ago. The start date should be the date of the actual event. end_date = db.DateProperty(required=False)|Although I'm not exactly sure what the implications of an end_date would be, but at some point the incident response will end. num_sites = db.IntegerProperty(default = 0)|This should be auto-generated by the system. work_order_label = db.StringProperty(required = True)|I assume that this is the letter that is prepended to the Work Order Number, correct? If so, the default should be the next letter in the alphabet. E.g. "B8276" counties = db.StringListProperty()|This should be auto-generated by the system. centroid = db.GeoPtProperty(required=False)|A lat/lon showing the approximate center of the incident

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 30, 2013 01:17:31 For usage of shortcut_name, see #162.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on January 31, 2013 03:21:59 --------INCIDENT MODEL UPDATE---------- reminder_days = db.IntegerProperty(default = 14)|The number of rolling days between the work order last modified date and today() before a reminder email is sent to organization points of contact, inviting them to update the record. reminder_contents = db.StringListProperty()|The contents of an HTML email automatically sent from the system on a regular basis to remind organization points of contact of stale work orders. See #171.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 17, 2013 04:29:06 Sign in as Admin.

On main page, click admin panel, or go to /admin

From there, click Add Incident. An incident will be added, and the case label letter will be incremented (currently up to letter M).

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 17, 2013 13:54:03 Notes from testing:

  1. Error: When signed in as a non-admin and viewing /map, a link to [/admin]Admin Panel[/] appears. When I click, I am taken to the root, and the link disappears.
  2. Error: Organization names are not alphabetized on login screen.
  3. Could not log in. Didn't have the admin password..
aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 17, 2013 23:30:08

  1. Error: Link to admin [/admin]Admin Panel[/] does not appear on root/Assessment Form when logged in as "Admin"
  2. Successfully added an incident, "Derecho Storm"
  3. Error: The following two Organizations should be automatically added to an incident/created when adding an incident: "Admin" (Global Admin) and "Local Admin".
  4. Global Admin should be prompted to set the Local Admin password upon creation of an Incident. The system should suggest three possible passwords.
  5. Admin should be able to set the following attributes upon creation: created_date, start_date, is_drill (See #179), centroid, timezone (Timezone of Incident), reminder_days, and centroid_description (E.g. "Eastern Seaboard"; "Larimer County, CO"; "Dodge, KS"). Attribute marked with \ are new.
aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 19, 2013 08:11:07 All errors are fixed, 7 is implemented, 8 is not.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 23, 2013 07:18:50 For 7, we use a generated password, rather than a choice of three.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 25, 2013 03:04:09 I'd prefer to be able to choose from three generated passwords, but the current system is sufficient. Just waiting on Comment 18, Item 8:

Admin should be able to set the following attributes upon creation: created_date (Not directly editable-- creation date set by system), start_date (date the Incident actually occurred, which is often days or weeks prior to the created_date), is_drill (See #179), centroid (lat/lon), timezone (Timezone of Incident), reminder_days (See #171), and centroid_description (E.g. "Eastern Seaboard"; "Larimer County, CO"; "Dodge, KS"). Attributes marked with \ are new.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

As we gear up for another push, I'm closing this issue. We'll need to work on related issues in the near future as we develop an XML-driven Incident, but we'll create new issues to cover that when the time comes.