CrisisCleanup / crisiscleanup-1

[OLD] Legacy Crisis Cleanup on GAE/Python
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Form and Break Organizational Relationships Without Administrator Action #147

Open aarontitus opened 11 years ago

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

Original author: (January 14, 2013 01:16:20)

Although an administrator should be able to form organizational relationships, each organization should be able to form and break relationships amongst themselves without interference or action by the administrator.

Organizations will inevitably want to share client data with one another. A link/button to "Request access" should appear wherever data is redacted. If there is a list of other organizations, there should be an option to "share access" with that organization.

If a person clicks on that option, they are asked, "Is this organization an ()Affiliate, or does your organization ()Share a parent organization with this organization, which is in the system?"

If the organization shares a parent organization, they must choose the parent organization (or create one). If they create a parent organization, the new proposed parent organization is sent to the administrator for approval at the same time that an email is sent to all points of contact for the organization for confirmation.

Regardless of whether the organization is an affiliate or a parent, an email is sent to the point of contact for the other organization to confirm the relationship before it becomes active.

Creation of a relationship must be bi-lateral. Breaking a relationship may be unilateral. The other organization is notified if a relationship is broken.

See #141 and #145

Original issue: