CrisisCleanup / crisiscleanup-1

[OLD] Legacy Crisis Cleanup on GAE/Python
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Main (assessment form) page, always centered on NYC #190

Closed aarontitus closed 11 years ago

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

Original author: (February 23, 2013 07:38:28)

Aaron and I discussed centering it based on location of the incident, or just on a zoomed out view of the entire US.

Original issue:

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 23, 2013 08:43:37 I decided to center it on the east coast for now. We can decide to change it later. Just seeing the US zoomed out looked strange.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 25, 2013 02:19:42 Looks good to me. Marked Fixed for now.