CrisisCleanup / crisiscleanup-1

[OLD] Legacy Crisis Cleanup on GAE/Python
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Purge unused fields #204

Open aarontitus opened 11 years ago

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

Original author: (February 26, 2013 12:05:28)

In #133, Aaron asks: "Is it possible to start off by purging all of the fields that have never been used?"

Original issue:

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 26, 2013 12:09:52 May include

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 26, 2013 12:13:14 May include

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 26, 2013 14:16:22 We should be able to do a simple query and count non-blank or non-NULL cells, correct? ...or would that require creation of a dozen more indices? Oh, the joys of NOSQL... database optimization: 1. Optimization? We don't need no stinking optimization! 2. You'd better get it right the first time, because if you try for it later, you will explode your DB in the attempt, thus rendering any resulting optimization futile.

aarontitus commented 11 years ago

From on February 26, 2013 14:27:27 I have a vague uneasy feeling that in very short order the database will become completely beyond the control of any human, making fixes and migration impossible. Call me old-fashioned, but I like understanding my own database. I don't want to be forced to rely on SkyNet to fix my database for me.

Oh, Google... into thy hands I commend my digital soul... ;-)