The CSV Download contains ONLY the following columns, and not any names, phone numbers, or other details:
[ ] Event
[ ] Case#
[ ] Address (Unredacted), City, County, State, Zip
[ ] Latitude/ Longitude
[ ] Reported By
[ ] Claimed By
[ ] Requested Date
[ ] Last Updated
[ ] Status
[ ] Work Type
No changes to the map
Between "Intake" and "Help," create a new top-level link called "Reports" (only for government; nobody else sees this section). This section will contain:
[ ] A section called "Standard Reports," containing a link to download the same CSV they can access on the map.
[ ] A section called "Premium Reports," place where I can create a bunch of static cards, organized four or five to a row, kind of like the "Core Team" section of /about. Each card will have an image, title, a description, a link to download a sample, and a button that says "Download."
[ ] When a user clicks "Download," two things happen:
A popup appears that says, "Your state government does not have a premium account. Please have someone from the state contact to get a premium account.
Admins receive an email alert that says, "[User Name], ([User Email], [User mobile]) from [Organization] has tried to download report [Report Name]. That way, we can follow up.
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