Crissov / unicode-proposals

Proposals for new characters to encode and canonic character sequences to register
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Elsevier Science Grid characters #296

Open Crissov opened 7 years ago

Crissov commented 7 years ago

The Elsevier Science Grid in Unicode document by Simon Pepping (@spepping?) and Rob Schrauwen hasn’t been updated since 2004-12-03. Unicode 4.0.1 (or maybe 4.1.0 beta) was state of the art back then.

Unfortunately, not all Grid symbols have been adopted by Unicode. The MathML and STIX effort has had great success for mathematical symbols, which form the majority of our grid symbols. No such effort has yet been done for chemistry and linguistics, two other scientific areas that contribute symbols to the grid. For these symbols, we must maintain a small version of the grid.

Section 3 of the report maps …

  1. the grid position, 2. the Unicode point, 3. the valid entity names for this Unicode point, 4. the description of this symbol.

Missing Unicode characters in 2004

Some entries have already been corrected for subsequent Unicode versions.

Grid B: Symbols

Elsevier Science Grid B: Symbols (2004)

Position Unicode Entities / Glyph Description
Bd5 U+ ⌞ left bottom corner, long
Bd6 U+ ∣ shortmid (Height of small x)
Bd7 U+ ∥ short parallel (Height small x)
Be5 U+ ⌟ right bottom corner, long
Be6 U+ ∤ nshortmid
Be7 U+ ∦ not short parallel
Bfp U+ &sqfne; square with filled N-E-corner
Bfr U+ &sqfsw; square with filled S-W-corner
Bfv U+ &sqft; square, top filled
Bfw U+ &sqfb; square, bottom filled
Bgg U+ &lozfl; lozenge, left filled
Bgh U+ &lozfr; lozenge, right filled
Bgi U+ ⧫ lozenge, filled
Bh8 U+26A5 &herma; hermaphrodite
Bji U+ &S; S-sign
Bn3 U+ &lbd2td; 2 bonds on the lefthand side, top double
Bn4 U+ &lbd2bd; 2 bonds on the lefthand side, bottom double
Bn5 U+ &rbd2td; 2 bonds on the righthand side, top double
Bn6 U+ &rbd2bd; 2 bonds on the righthand side, bottom double
Boq U+ &dbnd; double bond; length as m-dash
Bor U+ &tbnd; triple bond; length as m-dash
Bos U+ &qbnd; quadruple bond; length as m-dash
Bo0 U+ &rad; radical dot
Bo1 U+ &pent; pentagon
Bo3 U+ &pdbdtd; partial double bond, top dashed
Bo5 U+ &ptbdtd; partial triple bond, top dashed
Bo6 U+ &ptbdbd; partial triple bond, bottom dashed
Bo7 U+ &sbnd; single bond
Bo8 U+ &pdbond; partial double bond
Bpq U+ &dbnd6; 6-point double bond; length half of m-dash
Bpr U+ &tbnd6; 6-point triple bond; length half of m-dash
Bps U+ &qbnd6; 6-point quadruple bond; length half of m-dash
Bpt U+269F &rbond3; 3 bonds on the righthand side
Bpu U+269E &lbond3; 3 bonds on the lefthand side
Bpv U+ &rbond2; 2 bonds on the righthand side
Bpw U+ &lbond2; 2 bonds on the lefthand side
Buc U+ &camb; Cambrian (era)

Grid C: Alphabets and accents

Elsevier Science Grid C: Alphabets and accents (2004)

Position Unicode Entities / Glyph Description
Can U+ &bigdot; big dot above (accent)
Cfi U+0237 &jnodot; ȷ undotted l.c. j

Grid P: Phonetic alphabets and

Elsevier Science Grid P: Phonetic alphabet and accents (2004)

Position Unicode Entities / Glyph Description
Pa8 U+ &ht; hooktop (phonetic symbol)
Pb6 U+ &ggrave; extra low, accent (phonetic symbol)
Pb8 U+ &ctl; curly tail (phonetic symbol)
Pc3 U+ &sbw; subscript w (phonetic symbol)
Pc6 U+ &hris; high rising, accent (phonetic symbol)
Pdk U+ &resmck; small capital K, reversed (phonetic symbol)
Pdu U+1D1C — ᴜ small capital U (phonetic symbol)
Pd3 U+02D7 ℏ ˗ horizontal bar (phonetic symbol)
Pee U+1D07 — ᴇ small capital E (phonetic symbol)
Pd6 U+ &lris; low rising, accent (phonetic symbol)
Pe6 U+ &risfla; rising-falling, accent (phonetic symbol)
Pfa U+1D00 — ᴀ small capital A (phonetic symbol)
Pfj U+0237 &jnodot; ȷ j, undotted (phonetic symbol)
Pgh U+02AF &hrttrh; ʯ turned h, hook right tail (phonetic symbol)
Phn U+0235 &ncurt; ȵ curly-tail n (phonetic symbol)
Pht U+0236 &tcurt; ȶ curly-tail t (phonetic symbol)
Pid U+0221 &dcurt; ȡ curly-tail d (phonetic symbol)
Pih U+A727 &heng; heng (phonetic symbol)
Pj1 (U+2225) &pSlash; double Slash (phonetic symbol) (variant of Pi1)
Pko U+ &trnomeg; inverted omega (phonetic symbol)
Pk1 U+ &trisla; triple Slash (phonetic symbol)
Plr U+ &refhrl; reversed fish-hook r, long leg (phonetic symbol) (variant of Pjr)
Pt2 U+035C &btmlig;͜ bottom ligature (phonetic symbol)

Specific References

spepping commented 7 years ago


Indeed, I (@spepping am one of the original authors of this document. I have not been involved with this work for quite some time, and I cannot participate in an update.

Best, Simon Pepping

On Sun, Mar 12, 2017 at 12:19 AM, Christoph Päper wrote:

The Elsevier Science Grid in Unicode document by Simon Pepping (@spepping and Rob Schrauwen hasn’t been updated since 2004-12-03. Unicode 4.0.1 (or maybe 4.1.0 beta) was state of the art back then