Crissov / unicode-proposals

Proposals for new characters to encode and canonic character sequences to register
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IBM/Lotus Sametime emoticons list #300

Closed Crissov closed 6 years ago

Crissov commented 7 years ago

Sametime{lowercase name}.gif

Code Emoji Image Name
:-) :grinning: smile smile
lol :smile: :laughing: laugh laugh
;) :wink: wink wink
:-D :grin: :smiley: grin grin
8-) :sunglasses: cool cool
:-@ :angry: :rage: angry angry
:-/ :confused: :frowning: half half
/:) :smirk: eyebrow eyebrow
:-( :frowning_face: :slightly_frowning_face: :worried: frown frown
:-$ :blush: shy shy
:-S :confounded: goofy goofy
:-O 😯 😧 :open_mouth: 😲 oops oops
:-P :stuck_out_tongue: tongue tongue
(i) :bulb: idea idea
(y) :slightly_smiling_face::white_check_mark: :slightly_smiling_face::ballot_box_with_check: :slightly_smiling_face::heavy_check_mark: yes yes
(n) :hushed::negative_squared_cross_mark: :hushed::x: :hushed::heavy_multiplication_x: no no
0:-) :innocent: angel angel
:'( :cry: :sob: crying crying
rofl :rofl: laughroll laughroll


All of these emojis have reasonable Unicode counterparts, even if it is not always clear which one corresponds the best.