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Cisco Jabber emoticons list #301

Open Crissov opened 7 years ago

Crissov commented 7 years ago

Cisco Jabber

The emoticon picture set is specified in emoticonDefs.xml and can be modified there.

There are icon packs to support all Unicode emojis in Cisco's messenger, using free Twemoji or Emojione graphics or proprietary ones. See the list at the end of this page.

Default Cisco Emoticons

Emoticons Codes Emoji Image Description
#) \|-) u_u 😴 Sleep Sleep
(*) (star) (Star) (STAR) ⭐️ 🌟 Star Star
(*_*) *IN LOVE* 😍 Love at first sight Love at first sight
(:-$ +o( 🤢 Sick Sick
(>.<) (sleepy) 😪 😫 Sleepy Sleepy
(^) (cake) (Cake) (CAKE) 🎂 Cake Cake
(n) (^-^)p =p 👎 Thumbs Down Thumbs Down
(y) (^-^)b =b 👍 Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
*_* 😳 😲 😵 Dazed Dazed
0:) 0:-) o:-) O:-) o:) O:) (angel) (Angel) (ANGEL) 😇 Angel Angel
:! :-! (worried) (Worried) (WORRIED) 😬 😟 Worried Worried
:'( :'-( T_T T.T 😭 Crying Crying
:'-) 😂 Tears of joy Tears of joy
:( :-( ☹️ 🙁 Sad Sad
:) :-) ^_^ ☺️ 🙂 Smile Smile
:* :-* (kiss) (Kiss) (KISS) 😘 Kiss Kiss
:-+ :-# 😦 Speechless Speechless
:-< (upset) 😟 🙁 Upset Upset
:-B B-\| 8-B *8-\| (nerd) (Nerd) (NERD) 🤓 Nerd Nerd
:-I 😐 🤔 Thinking Thinking
:-{ :{ 😶 Blank Blank
:/ :-/ :-\ :\ :-\| :\| 😒 😕 Unimpressed Unimpressed
:D :-D 😀 😃 Grin Grin
:P :p :-P :-p 😜 Tongue Tongue
:[ :-[ (blush) (Blush) (BLUSH) 😳 Blush Blush
:o :O :-o :-O 😮 😯 😲 Big surprise Big surprise
:s :S :-s :-S #145? :worried:? Undecided Undecided
:x :X :-x :-X (secret) (Secret) (SECRET) 🤐 Secret Secret
;) ;-) 😉 Wink Wink
</3 (brokenheart) 💔 Broken Heart Broken Heart
<3 (heart) ❤️ Heart Heart
<:-P (party) 🎉 Party Party
=.= 😑 Closed eyes Closed eyes
>:( >:-( (angry) (Angry) (ANGRY) 😡 😠 Angry Angry
B) B-) 8-) (cool) (Cool) (COOL) 😎 Cool Cool
C(_) c(_) (coffee) (Coffee) (COFFEE) ☕️ Coffee Coffee
X-0 😖 😣 😱 Crazy Crazy
[:] <(-_-)> (sparky) 🤖 Sparky Sparky
\m/ (rockon) (Rockon) (RockOn) (ROCKON) 🤘 Rock on Rock on
o_o o-o 🙄 Roll eyes Roll eyes
x_x X_X (😵) Dead Dead
{:o (:-) 😯 😮 Surprised Surprised
\|:-\ X:-/ \|:\| (disapproval) #357 Disapproval Disapproval

Default Cisco Codes

Codes Emoji Image Description
(beer) (Beer) (BEER) 🍺 beer beer
(drink) (Drink) (DRINK) 🍸 drink drink
(duck) (Duck) (DUCK) 🦆 duck duck
(egg) (Egg) (EGG) 🍳 🥚 egg egg
(fist) (Fist) Fist Fist
(ok) (OK) (okay) (a ok) 👌 OK OK
(peace) (Peace) ✌️ Peace Peace
(point down) (Point Down) (pointdown) (Pointdown) 👇 Point down Point down
(point left) (Point Left) (pointleft) (Pointleft) 👈 Point left Point left
(point right) (Point Right) (pointright) (Pointright) 👉 Point right Point right
(point up) (Point Up) (pointup) (Pointup) 👆 Point up Point up
:balloon (balloon) (Balloon) (BALLOON) (celebrate) (Celebrate) (CELEBRATE) 🎈 Celebration Celebration
:burger (burger) 🍔 Burger Burger
:callme 📞 (☎️ 🤙) callme callme
:champagne (champagne) (Champagne) (CHAMPAGNE) (wine) (Wine) (WINE) 🍾 Champagne Champagne
:cheers (cheers) (Cheers) (CHEERS) 🍻 Clinking glass Clinking glass
:clock (clock) (Clock) (CLOCK) (alarm) (Alarm) (ALARM) Alarm Alarm
:email (mail) (Mail) (MAIL) (email) (Email) (EMAIL) ✉️ 📧 Mail Mail
:fireworks (fireworks) (Fireworks) (FIREWORKS) 🎆 Fireworks Fireworks
:idea (idea) 💡 Idea Idea
:koala (koala) (Koala) (KOALA) 🐨 Koala Koala
:office (office) 🏢 Office Office
:parcel 📦 Parcel Parcel
:pizza (pizza) 🍕 Pizza Pizza
:present 🎁 Present Present
:pumpkin (pumpkin) (Pumpkin) (PUMPKIN) (halloween) (Halloween) (HALLOWEEN) 🎃 Pumpkin Pumpkin
:spockon 🖖 Spock on Spock on
:sushi (sushi) (Sushi) (SUSHI) 🍣 Sushi Sushi
:wfh (wfh) 🏠 🏡 Home Work from Home

:callme is interactive, i.e. it can be clicked to initiate a call.

Cisco Logo Codes

Codes Emoji Image Description
(:kevin) Kevin Kevin
:jabber (jabber) Jabber Jabber
:webex (webex) WebEx WebEx

Some sources for customized emoticons
