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LEED emoticons list #325

Open Crissov opened 7 years ago

Crissov commented 7 years ago

LEED is a scientific corpus of select emoticon emojis and ASCII emoticons (sideways and kaomoji style) for scientific, especially psychological research. It also covers some hearts and hand signs.

Sideways Western Style

Stimulus ID Code Intended Meaning
Emot01a :D Laughing, big grin
Emot01b XD Laughing, big grin
Emot01c :)) Laughing, big grin
Emot08a ;) Wink
Emot08b *) Wink
Emot09 :"> Blushing
Emot11 B-) Cool
Emot12 :x Love struck
Emot13b :-* Kiss
Emot17a :o) Smiley or happy face
Emot18a :)  Smiley or happy face
Emot18b :] Smiley or happy face
Emot18c :-) Smiley or happy face
Emot20a 0:) Innocent, angel
Emot20b O:-) Innocent, angel
Emot22 :\| Straight face
Emot24 [-( No talking
Emot26 :> Smug
Emot29a :O Surprise, shock
Emot29b :-O Surprise, shock
Emot31a :X Sealed lips, embarrassed, Don't tell anyone
Emot31b :# Sealed lips, embarrassed, Don't tell anyone
Emot31c :-$ Sealed lips, embarrassed, Don't tell anyone
Emot32 I-) Sleepy
Emot35 #:-S Whew!
Emot36 :-B Nerd
Emot37a :P Tongue sticking out, blowing a raspberry
Emot37b :p Tongue sticking out, blowing a raspberry
Emot37c :b Tongue sticking out, blowing a raspberry
Emot38 8-} Silly face
Emot40a :( Frown, sad
Emot40b :c Frown, sad
Emot42 8-\| Rolling eyes
Emot45a :/ Sceptical, annoyed, uneasy, confused
Emot45b :\ Sceptical, annoyed, uneasy, confused
Emot45c :-/ Sceptical, annoyed, uneasy, confused
Emot46 L-) Loser
Emot49 :-& Sick
Emot54 :-S Worried
Emot56a :'( Crying
Emot56b :(( Crying
Emot58 /:) Raised eyebrows
Emot61 ~X( At wits' end
Emot64a D: Horror, disgust
Emot64b D= Horror, disgust
Emot67 X( Angry
Emot70 >:) Devil
Emot72 =(( Broken heart
Emot79 :)] on the phone
Emot80 :-h Wave
Emot81 :-t Time out
Emot82 8-> Day dreaming
Emot83 <:-P Party
Emot85 ;;) batting eyelashes 
Emot86 :O) Clown
Emot87 :-c Call me
Emot88 =)) Rolling on the floor

Vertical Eastern Style (Kaomoji)

Stimulus ID Code Intended Meaning
Emot07 (^o^) Singing, laughing
Emot08c (`_^) Wink
Emot08d (^_~) Wink
Emot13c (^3^) Kiss
Emot17b (^_^) Smiley or happy face
Emot17c (^-^) Smiley or happy face
Emot17d (^ ^) Smiley or happy face
Emot17e (^.^) Smiley or happy face
Emot23 (-_-) Upset, sighing
Emot27a (>_<) In pain, frustrated
Emot27b (>.<) In pain, frustrated
Emot34a (-.-)zzZ Sleeping
Emot34b -_-zzZ Sleeping
Emot43a (^_^') Nervous, sweat-drop, embarrassed
Emot43b ^_^" Nervous, sweat-drop, embarrassed
Emot53a (._.) Disappointed, bitter
Emot53b (,_,) Disappointed, bitter
Emot57a (;_;) Crying
Emot57b (T_T) Crying
Emot57c (ToT) Crying
Emot76a d^_^b Listening to music; Thumbs up
Emot76b d-_-b Listening to music; Thumbs up
Emot84 (X_X) Dead

Other or Mixed Style

Stimulus ID Code Intended Meaning
Emot13a x Kiss
Emot19a O Hug, big hug
Emot19b >:D< Hug, big hug
Emot71 <3 Love (heart)
Emot75 =; talk to the hand

Non-Unicode8 emojis

Stimulus ID Graphic Source
EmjFb07 😆 Haha Facebook
EmjFb17 😊 Happy Facebook
EmjFb29 😲 Wow Facebook
EmjFb56 😢 Sad Facebook
EmjFb67 😠 Angry Facebook
EmjFb71 💟 Love Facebook
EmjFb76 👍 Like (old) Facebook
EmjFb77 👎 Dislike Facebook
EmjFb78 👍 Like (new) Facebook
EmjPe86 🤡 Emojipedia
EmjPe87 🤙 Emojipedia
EmjPe88 🤣 Emojipedia
EmjPe89 🤢 Emojipedia

Specific References