CristalTeam / php-api-wrapper

:rainbow: Work with APIs like with Laravel Eloquent or Doctrine (no longer a dream)
MIT License
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Multiple API Sources (Laravel) #8

Open kylewallace opened 4 years ago

kylewallace commented 4 years ago

Hello, I’ve just started messing around with this package and was wondering if you could point me in the right direction.

I am working in Laravel and using the Laravel “stack”.

My test project draws data from three individual API sources (totally different URL). What would be the best practice to attach each endpoint to the three individual associated models?

I’ve followed the guide but it seems to relate to using one single API source.

camillebaronnet commented 4 years ago

Good question, you're right, but it'is a documentation mistake.

If you'are following the guide about the Wrapper ( you've now a CustomWrapper class for each API (or endpoint). So, at this point, you just need to bind CustomWrapper instead of Api in your provider :

$this->app->bind(CustomWrapper::class, function(){
    $transport = new Basic(
    return new CustomWrapper($transport);

We keep the issue open to fix the document.

damiendiels commented 3 years ago

When you try to bind differents wrapper to differents entities, the last binding instruction override the first one. Eg : provider :

public function register()
        $this->app->bind(VideoWrapper::class, function(){
            $transport = new Transport(
            return new VideoWrapper($transport);
        $this->app->bind(StreamWrapper::class, function(){
            $transport = new Bearer(
            return new StreamWrapper($transport);

public function boot()
        // API models



so for example getVideo will not be accessible in VideoWrapper ... There is something strange with binding...

camillebaronnet commented 3 years ago

I'm not realy sure to understand your problem :

damiendiels commented 3 years ago

J'ai deux wrappers que je bind comme ceci dans le provider

 public function boot()
        // API models

Lorsque je fais


je récupère bien un objet Video complet

App\Models\Api\Video {#208
  #entity: "video"
  #primaryKey: "id"
  #casts: []
  +exists: true
  +wasRecentlyCreated: false
  #attributes: array:22 [
    "id" => "89d1adf3-9b49-4282-a89d-041c9e3f17a4"
    "type" => "ASSET"
    "title" => "10 Cloverfield Lane"
    "shortSynopsis" => "After a car crash, a woman wakes up inside a sealed bunker with two men. Confused and frightened, she is told a devastating chemical attack has made the air outside deadly. But as she fears for her life inside, she must prepare for what awaits outside."
    "longSynopsis" => "After a car crash, a woman wakes up inside a sealed bunker with two men. Confused and frightened, she is told a devastating chemical attack has made the air outside deadly. But as she fears for her life inside, she must prepare for what awaits outside."
    "posterImage" => ""
    "boxcoverImage" => ""
    "adult" => false
    "minimumAge" => 12
    "parentalRating" => []
    "duration" => 5940
    "credits" => array:4 [
      0 => array:2 [
        "role" => "ACTOR"
        "name" => "John Gallagher Jr."
      1 => array:2 [
        "role" => "ACTOR"
        "name" => "John Goodman"
      2 => array:2 [
        "role" => "ACTOR"
        "name" => "Mary Elizabeth Winstead"
      3 => array:2 [
        "role" => "DIRECTOR"
        "name" => "Dan Trachtenberg"
    "productionYear" => 2016
    "productionLocations" => array:1 [
      0 => "US"
    "tags" => array:2 [
      0 => "movies"
      1 => "drama"
    "genres" => array:1 [
      0 => "3.4"
    "streams" => array:1 [
      0 => array:3 [
        "id" => "a68a97bc-af3a-4528-969f-c61b322754da"
        "type" => "FULL"
        "resolution" => "SD"
    "validFrom" => "2017-12-15T23:00:00Z"
    "validUntil" => "2020-12-31T23:59:00Z"
    "score" => 0
    "operatorScore" => 0
    "catalogs" => []
  #original: array:22 [
    "id" => "89d1adf3-9b49-4282-a89d-041c9e3f17a4"
    "type" => "ASSET"
    "title" => "10 Cloverfield Lane"
    "shortSynopsis" => "After a car crash, a woman wakes up inside a sealed bunker with two men. Confused and frightened, she is told a devastating chemical attack has made the air outside deadly. But as she fears for her life inside, she must prepare for what awaits outside."
    "longSynopsis" => "After a car crash, a woman wakes up inside a sealed bunker with two men. Confused and frightened, she is told a devastating chemical attack has made the air outside deadly. But as she fears for her life inside, she must prepare for what awaits outside."
    "posterImage" => ""
    "boxcoverImage" => ""
    "adult" => false
    "minimumAge" => 12
    "parentalRating" => []
    "duration" => 5940
    "credits" => array:4 [
      0 => array:2 [
        "role" => "ACTOR"
        "name" => "John Gallagher Jr."
      1 => array:2 [
        "role" => "ACTOR"
        "name" => "John Goodman"
      2 => array:2 [
        "role" => "ACTOR"
        "name" => "Mary Elizabeth Winstead"
      3 => array:2 [
        "role" => "DIRECTOR"
        "name" => "Dan Trachtenberg"
    "productionYear" => 2016
    "productionLocations" => array:1 [
      0 => "US"
    "tags" => array:2 [
      0 => "movies"
      1 => "drama"
    "genres" => array:1 [
      0 => "3.4"
    "streams" => array:1 [
      0 => array:3 [
        "id" => "a68a97bc-af3a-4528-969f-c61b322754da"
        "type" => "FULL"
        "resolution" => "SD"
    "validFrom" => "2017-12-15T23:00:00Z"
    "validUntil" => "2020-12-31T23:59:00Z"
    "score" => 0
    "operatorScore" => 0
    "catalogs" => []
  #changes: []
  #appends: []
  #dates: []
  #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s"
  #relations: []
  #hidden: []
  #visible: []

par contre si j'inverse les bind dans le provider


et que je refais :


l'objet est vide :

App\Models\Api\Video {#202
  #entity: "video"
  #primaryKey: "id"
  #casts: []
  +exists: true
  +wasRecentlyCreated: false
  #attributes: []
  #original: []
  #changes: []
  #appends: []
  #dates: []
  #dateFormat: "Y-m-d H:i:s"
  #relations: []
  #hidden: []
  #visible: []

et donc inversement pour Stream. Si j'ajoute ette fonction dans le StreamWrapper :

 public function getVideo($id)
        return $this->transport->request('/api/vod/v1/vod/' . $id);

ça fonctionne... mais cette fonction devrait être dans le StreamWrapper. Ce qui me fait dire que le dernier bind dans le provider prend le dessus sur les précédent. Est-ce que je fais quelque chose d'une mauvaise manière ? si jefais ceci :

$video = new Video();
$stream = new Stream();
        dd($video->getApi(), $stream->getApi());

j'obtiens ceci :

App\Models\Api\Wrappers\StreamWrapper {#159
  #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149
    #token: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZjE1OTliZDc3YTVmNmJiMjBhM2FkODk1ODhhNDRkMzM1NGU4NTQ5YTFmMTI0NzY0ZDBmZTE5NGUyZjEyMDAyYmMyZmQ4OTNhYjE0NWUyYjciLCJpYXQiOjE1OTg1MTU5MTAsIm5iZiI6MTU5ODUxNTkxMCwiZXhwIjoxNTk4NTIzMTEwLCJzdWIiOiIxYzc3ZmNlZTgzMTA0MGJkYjlhMTQ3MjhiNDFhY2EyNyIsInNjb3BlcyI6W10sI6k5peguoUJJtghrmlLX8hd0cn3jdVGXxB8Z2-VTECUNeVG1LhBobubn5-h5aMF263m09BwoCZ_KLxa6jMPxgSZ0xB9DLVTL8fUw7dhX1U9Nj9LoRNNQs1Dt3HYFf8PsKq-fqCoyNYyYeV6bAsaLB7biKwXPZ75I0Zj5C8eFciOViYu4hJabhFwibuKVQUfDSIeoFK5eu5_oriKL4CYI5DpmFMGqzq0XBcRtrYEG0QJQGrWyCUAp23de9L7B-6pl1V9H6nS9-_TO_pB2cn0V5tNMdMgqNTmsHaUrgJIT2M839Ymv0WHOKwYSC6E"
    #entrypoint: ""
    #client: Curl\Curl {#152
      +curl: curl resource @232
        url: ""
        content_type: null
        http_code: 0
        header_size: 0
        request_size: 0
        filetime: -1
        ssl_verify_result: 0
        redirect_count: 0
        total_time: 0.0
        namelookup_time: 0.0
        connect_time: 0.0
        pretransfer_time: 0.0
        size_upload: 0.0
        size_download: 0.0
        speed_download: 0.0
        speed_upload: 0.0
        download_content_length: -1.0
        upload_content_length: -1.0
        starttransfer_time: 0.0
        redirect_time: 0.0
        redirect_url: ""
        primary_ip: ""
        certinfo: []
        primary_port: 0
        local_ip: ""
        local_port: 0
        http_version: 0
        protocol: 0
        ssl_verifyresult: 0
        scheme: ""
        appconnect_time_us: 0
        connect_time_us: 0
        namelookup_time_us: 0
        pretransfer_time_us: 0
        redirect_time_us: 0
        starttransfer_time_us: 0
        total_time_us: 0
      +id: "5f4d0cafede588.53869627"
      +error: false
      +errorCode: 0
      +errorMessage: null
      +curlError: false
      +curlErrorCode: 0
      +curlErrorMessage: null
      +httpError: false
      +httpStatusCode: 0
      +httpErrorMessage: null
      +url: ""
      +requestHeaders: null
      +responseHeaders: null
      +rawResponseHeaders: ""
      +responseCookies: []
      +response: null
      +rawResponse: null
      +beforeSendCallback: null
      +downloadCompleteCallback: null
      +successCallback: null
      +errorCallback: null
      +completeCallback: null
      +fileHandle: null
      +downloadFileName: null
      +attempts: 0
      +retries: 0
      +childOfMultiCurl: false
      +remainingRetries: 0
      +retryDecider: null
      +jsonDecoder: null
      +xmlDecoder: null
      -cookies: []
      -headers: Curl\CaseInsensitiveArray {#155
        -data: array:1 [
          "authorization" => "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZjE1OTliZDc3YTVmNmJiMjBhM2FkODk1ODhhNDRkMzM1NGU4NTQ5YTFmMTI0NzY0ZDBmZTE5NGUyZjEyMDAyYmMyZmQ4OTNhYjE0NWUyYjciLCJpYXQiOjE1OTg1MTU5MTAsIm5iZiI6MTU5ODUxNTkxMCwiZXhwIjoxNTk4NTIzMTEwLCJzdWIiOiIxYzc3ZmNlZTgzMTA0MGJkYjlhMTQ3MjhiNDFhY2EyNyIsInNjb3BlcyI6W10sImRldmljZV9pZCI6IjA0ODVmM2VjLTFkZGYtMTFlYS1iYmQzLTAwMGMyOTY4MTM5YSIsInBsYXRmb3JtIjoiV0VCIn0.NlsqP_ieVIB9_4v6k5peguoUJJtghrmlLX8hd0cn3jdVGXxB8Z2-VTECUNeVG1LhBobubn5-h5aMF263m09BwoCZ_KLxa6jMPxgSZ0xB9DLVTL8fUw7dhX1U9Nj9LoRNNQs1Dt3HYFf8PsKq-fqCoyNYyYeV6bAsaLB7biKwXPZ75I0Zj5C8eFciOViYu4hJabhFwibuKVQUfDSIeoFK5eu5_oriKL4CYI5DpmFMGqzq0XBcRtrYEG0QJQGrWyCUAp23de9L7B-6pl1V9H6nS9-_TO_pB2cn0V5tNMdMgqNTmsHaUrgJIT2M839Ymv0WHOKwYSC6E"
        -keys: array:1 [
          "authorization" => "Authorization"
      -options: array:7 [
        10018 => "PHP-Curl-Class/8.8.0 (+ PHP/7.4.4 curl/7.64.0"
        13 => 30
        2 => true
        20079 => Closure($ch, $header) {#154
          use: {
            $header_callback_data: {#153
              +"rawResponseHeaders": ""
              +"responseCookies": []
        19913 => true
        10002 => ""
        10023 => array:1 [
          0 => "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZjE1OTliZDc3YTVmNmJiMjBhM2FkODk1ODhhNDRkMzM1NGU4NTQ5YTFmMTI0NzY0ZDBmZTE5NGUyZjEyMDAyYmMyZmQ4OTNhYjE0NWUyYjciLCJpYXQiOjE1OTg1MTU5MTAsIm5iZiI6MTU5ODUxNTkxMCwiZXhwIjoxNTk4NTIzMTEwLCJzdWIiOiIxYzc3ZmNlZTgzMTA0MGJkYjlhMTQ3MjhiNDFhY2EyNyIsInNjb3BlcyI5peguoUJJtghrmlLX8hd0cn3jdVGXxB8Z2-VTECUNeVG1LhBobubn5-h5aMF263m09BwoCZ_KLxa6jMPxgSZ0xB9DLVTL8fUw7dhX1U9Nj9LoRNNQs1Dt3HYFf8PsKq-fqCoyNYyYeV6bAsaLB7biKwXPZ75I0Zj5C8eFciOViYu4hJabhFwibuKVQUfDSIeoFK5eu5_oriKL4CYI5DpmFMGqzq0XBcRtrYEG0QJQGrWyCUAp23de9L7B-6pl1V9H6nS9-_TO_pB2cn0V5tNMdMgqNTmsHaUrgJIT2M839Ymv0WHOKwYSC6E"
      -jsonDecoderArgs: []
      -jsonPattern: "/^(?:application|text)\/(?:[a-z]+(?:[\.-][0-9a-z]+){0,}[\+\.]|x-)?json(?:-[a-z]+)?/i"
      -xmlDecoderArgs: []
      -xmlPattern: "~^(?:text/|application/(?:atom\+|rss\+|soap\+)?)xml~i"
      -defaultDecoder: null
      +"headerCallbackData": {#153}
    #errorHandlers: array:6 [
      0 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\NetworkErrorHandler {#150
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      401 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\UnauthorizedErrorHandler {#151
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      403 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\ForbiddenErrorHandler {#148
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      404 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\NotFoundErrorHandler {#156
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      400 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\BadRequestErrorHandler {#157
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      422 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\BadRequestErrorHandler {#158
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
 App\Models\Api\Wrappers\StreamWrapper {#159
  #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149
    #token: "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZjE1OTliZDc3YTVmNmJiMjBhM2FkODk1ODhhNDRkMzM1NGU4NTQ5YTFmMTI0NzY0ZDBmZTE5NGUyZjEyMDAyYmMyZmQ4OTNhYjE0NWUyYjciLCJpYXQiOjE1OTg1MTU5MTAsIm5iZiI6MTU5ODUxNTkxMCwiZXhwIjoxNTk4NTIzMTEwLCJzdWIiOiIxYzc3ZmNlZTgzMTA0MGJkYjlhMTQ3MjhiNDFhY2EyNyIsInNjb3BlcyI6W10sImRldmljZV9pZCI6IjA0ODVmM2VjLTFkZGYtMTFlYS1iYmQzLTAwMGMyOTY4MTM5YSIsInBsYXRmb3JtIjoiV0VCIn0.NlXzENREFrsAmasKlSd0_AdGN3py-khCjj-IqAXDAxWAwOX87keV8tCWd1FXi09V_YZHe5qcvJ19fse3-NbrK2lqMWiOViYu4hJabhFwibuKVQUfDSIeoFK5eu5_oriKL4CYI5DpmFMGqzq0XBcRtrYEG0QJQGrWyCUAp23de9L7B-6pl1V9H6nS9-_TO_pB2cn0V5tNMdMgqNTmsHaUrgJIT2M839Ymv0WHOKwYSC6E"
    #entrypoint: ""
    #client: Curl\Curl {#152
      +curl: curl resource @232
        url: ""
        content_type: null
        http_code: 0
        header_size: 0
        request_size: 0
        filetime: -1
        ssl_verify_result: 0
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        total_time: 0.0
        namelookup_time: 0.0
        connect_time: 0.0
        pretransfer_time: 0.0
        size_upload: 0.0
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        speed_download: 0.0
        speed_upload: 0.0
        download_content_length: -1.0
        upload_content_length: -1.0
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        redirect_url: ""
        primary_ip: ""
        certinfo: []
        primary_port: 0
        local_ip: ""
        local_port: 0
        http_version: 0
        protocol: 0
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        scheme: ""
        appconnect_time_us: 0
        connect_time_us: 0
        namelookup_time_us: 0
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        redirect_time_us: 0
        starttransfer_time_us: 0
        total_time_us: 0
      +id: "5f4d0cafede588.53869627"
      +error: false
      +errorCode: 0
      +errorMessage: null
      +curlError: false
      +curlErrorCode: 0
      +curlErrorMessage: null
      +httpError: false
      +httpStatusCode: 0
      +httpErrorMessage: null
      +url: ""
      +requestHeaders: null
      +responseHeaders: null
      +rawResponseHeaders: ""
      +responseCookies: []
      +response: null
      +rawResponse: null
      +beforeSendCallback: null
      +downloadCompleteCallback: null
      +successCallback: null
      +errorCallback: null
      +completeCallback: null
      +fileHandle: null
      +downloadFileName: null
      +attempts: 0
      +retries: 0
      +childOfMultiCurl: false
      +remainingRetries: 0
      +retryDecider: null
      +jsonDecoder: null
      +xmlDecoder: null
      -cookies: []
      -headers: Curl\CaseInsensitiveArray {#155
        -data: array:1 [
          "authorization" => "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZjE1OTliZDc3YTVmNmJiMjBhM2FkODk1ODhhNDRkMzM1NGU4NTQ5YTFmMTI0NzY0ZDBmZTE5NGUyZjEyMDAyYmMyZmQ4OTNhYjE0NWUyYjciLCJpYXQiOjE1OTg1MTU5MTAsIm5iZiI6MTU5ODUxNTkxMCwiZXhwIjoxNTk4NTIzMTEwLCJzdWIiOiIxYzc3ZmNlZTgzMTA0MGJkYjlhMTQ3MjhiNDFhY2EyNyIsInNjb3BlcyI6W10sImRldmljZV9pZCI6IjA0ODVmM2VjLTFkZGYtMTFlYS1iYmQzLTAwMGMyOTY4MTM5YSIsInBsYXRmb3JtIjoiV0VCIn0.NlsqP_ieVIBw13A-5IfIyUisnJSt2b6059tgaWFW0hMxmt26BTtniX9B8ep9pYxrmu-XzENREFrsAmasKlSd0_AdGN3py-khCjj-IqAXDAxWAwOX87keV8tCWd1FXi09V_YZHe5qcvJ19fse3-NbrK2lqMWav1AC_UNXWzcr8A16F4aNDPvkPwCBEukB7sQIXu4Ekzbfz-80zxfHG1JnlTxrOCSw_bXygvOgrTj1Ukat9upozIiXaZnlbtGjvUg2gfSCvmeZNccHUhKnWhSGr97lpduPCZzbBv4lBbXSPQ2Tl2oh-p8FYCuhM6CbgMknbiEq0y7cFqV8b4R7-o7x_L0ezRBSgu3wRioCmSkg5X72j9_4v6k5peguoUJJtghrmlLX8hd0cn3jdVGXxB8Z2-VTECUNeVG1LhBobubn5-h5aMF263m09BwoCZ_KLxa6jMPxgSZ0xB9DLVTL8fUw7dhX1U9Nj9LoRNNQs1Dt3HYFf8PsKq-fqCoyNYyYeV6bAsaLB7biKwXPZ75I0Zj5C8eFciOViYu4hJabhFwibuKVQUfDSIeoFK5eu5_oriKL4CYI5DpmFMGqzq0XBcRtrYEG0QJQGrWyCUAp23de9L7B-6pl1V9H6nS9-_TO_pB2cn0V5tNMdMgqNTmsHaUrgJIT2M839Ymv0WHOKwYSC6E"
        -keys: array:1 [
          "authorization" => "Authorization"
      -options: array:7 [
        10018 => "PHP-Curl-Class/8.8.0 (+ PHP/7.4.4 curl/7.64.0"
        13 => 30
        2 => true
        20079 => Closure($ch, $header) {#154
          use: {
            $header_callback_data: {#153
              +"rawResponseHeaders": ""
              +"responseCookies": []
        19913 => true
        10002 => ""
        10023 => array:1 [
          0 => "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiZjE1OTliZDc3YTVmNmJiMjBhM2FkODk1ODhhNDRkMzM1NGU4NTQ5YTFmMTI0NzY0ZDBmZTE5NGUyZjEyMDAyYmMyZmQ4OTNhYjE0NWUyYjciLCJpYXQiOjE1OTg1MTU5MTAsIm5iZiI6MTU5ODUxNTkxMCwiZXhwIjoxNTk4NTIzMTEwLCJzdWIiOiIxYzc3ZmNlZTgzMTA0MGJkYjlhMTQ3MjhiNDFhY2EyNyIsInNjb3BlcyI6W10sImRldmljZV9pZCI6IjA0ODVmM2VjLTFkZGYtMTFlYS1iYmQzLTAwMGMyOTY4MTM5YSIsInBsYXRmb3JtIjoiV0VCIn0.NlsqP_ieVIBw13A-5IfIyUisnJSt2b6059tgaWFW0hMxmt26BTtniX9B8ep9pYxrmu-XzENREFrsAmasKlSd0_AdGN3py-khCjj-IqAXDAxWAwOX87keV8tCWd1FXi09V_YZHe5qcvJ19fse3-NbrK2lqMWav1AC_UNXWzcr8A16F4aNDPvkPwCBEukB7sQIXu4Ekzbfz-80zxfHG1JnlTxrOCSw_bXygvOgrTj1Ukat9upozIiXaZnlbtGjvUg2gfSCvmeZNccHUhKnWhSGr97lpduPCZzbBv4lBbXSPQ2Tl2oh-p8FYCuhM6CbgMknbiEq0y7cFqV8b4R7-o7x_L0ezRBSgu3wRioCmSkg5X72j9_4v6k5peguoUJJtghrmlLX8hd0cn3jdVGXxB8Z2-VTECUNeVG1LhBobubn5-h5aMF263m09BwoCZ_KLxa6jMPxgSZ0xB9DLVTL8fUw7dhX1U9Nj9LoRNNQs1Dt3HYFf8PsKq-fqCoyNYyYeV6bAsaLB7biKwXPZ75I0Zj5C8eFciOViYu4hJabhFwibuKVQUfDSIeoFK5eu5_oriKL4CYI5DpmFMGqzq0XBcRtrYEG0QJQGrWyCUAp23de9L7B-6pl1V9H6nS9-_TO_pB2cn0V5tNMdMgqNTmsHaUrgJIT2M839Ymv0WHOKwYSC6E"
      -jsonDecoderArgs: []
      -jsonPattern: "/^(?:application|text)\/(?:[a-z]+(?:[\.-][0-9a-z]+){0,}[\+\.]|x-)?json(?:-[a-z]+)?/i"
      -xmlDecoderArgs: []
      -xmlPattern: "~^(?:text/|application/(?:atom\+|rss\+|soap\+)?)xml~i"
      -defaultDecoder: null
      +"headerCallbackData": {#153}
    #errorHandlers: array:6 [
      0 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\NetworkErrorHandler {#150
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      401 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\UnauthorizedErrorHandler {#151
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      403 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\ForbiddenErrorHandler {#148
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      404 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\NotFoundErrorHandler {#156
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      400 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\BadRequestErrorHandler {#157
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3
      422 => Cristal\ApiWrapper\Exceptions\Handlers\BadRequestErrorHandler {#158
        +tries: 0
        #transport: Cristal\ApiWrapper\Transports\Bearer {#149}
        #maxTries: 3

J'ai le même Wrapper pour les deux models

camillebaronnet commented 3 years ago

Hum, ok ok, indeed, after checking, there may be a problem in the documentation. Try to define different $api properties on your Video and Stream models. For example :

class Video extends Model
    protected static $api = 'video'; // for example


class Stream extends Model
    protected static $api = 'stream'; // for example

Please, tell me, if it's works.

camillebaronnet commented 3 years ago

(careful your token is shown in trace)

damiendiels commented 3 years ago

Yes, It works ! Many thanks for your help.

ps: Token was altered before posting and only valid in my local environment but thank you for your benevolence.

Great work, many thanks for this package !

camillebaronnet commented 3 years ago

Nice :+1: