CristianHenzel / ClipIt

ClipIt clipboard manager for GTK+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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what is the point of "actions"? #162

Open ghistes opened 3 years ago

ghistes commented 3 years ago


I have been using clipit for years now, but never really looked at "actions".

I've done so now and I don't really understand them - the input seems to be broken and I don't really see the point.

My first gripe is that the input of "actions" in completely unintuitive. You need to input your action, then press enter while still in the field - and only then press "ok". If you change an action and don't press enter but simply press "ok" it simply does not change - if that is the intended behaviour then the "ok"-button should be greyed out before you have pressed enter...

Then it seems to me (I may be wrong here but I could not figure it out and a documentation does not seem to exist) that you only can trigger an "action" for the current content of the clipboard.

But why would I need an "action" for that? It is trivial to write a perl (or python or whatever) script that does whatever it wants to do and get's it's input from clipboard. Bind that do a hot-key and there is no point to actions anymore.

So actions don't really work well, are not documented and are superfluous - I'd say let's get rid of them...