CristianHenzel / ClipIt

ClipIt clipboard manager for GTK+
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Segmentation Fault on successive press of History Key. #168

Closed ragnarov closed 3 years ago

ragnarov commented 3 years ago

Heya, Using clipit on arch linux (5.4.87-1-lts) amd64. I have set my History Key to Ctrl+Alt+slash Sometimes pressing the keys don't bring up the history menu. If I press the keys on quick succession then Clipit crashes.

Crash is specific. It is not important to use the keys quickly. If history menu appears and I still press those above mentioned key, then it crashes with 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)'.

I got this by starting clipit on a terminal.

Thanks for reading :)

afelinczak commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure if Arch package is up to date, we have that issue fixed for Debian and Ubuntu (compiled with GTK 3). I see some comments regarding crash also in AUR version. Safest option would be to try build from sources and let us know if it works.

jgidi commented 3 years ago

Just built sources with GTK3 version 3.24.24-2 on Arch, and still crashes. However, the crash happens when the pointer match inside selected_by_input() points to an empty char string. Then, it propagates to underline_match() and causes a segmentation fault on gtk_label_set_attributes(). I have been testing it and will make a pull request soon.

afelinczak commented 3 years ago

Patch merged, ppa updated.