CristianLara / canoe-flights

Canoe - Inexpensive flight and location explorer
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Fixes the zIndex of the autocomplete #42

Closed mattdeekay closed 6 years ago

mattdeekay commented 6 years ago

It used to be that the slider would be layered over the autocomplete dropdown which was unsightly

nevenwt commented 6 years ago

Code LGTM! Only question here is do we want the autofill dropdown for "Departure Airport" to be different from the dropdown for "Trip Duration"? Probably not, should standardize.

EDIT: Just looked into this, apparently there's no support for changing the color of options on a dropdown.. which is kinda bizarre. We'd need a custom element for this, might not be worth it.

CristianLara commented 6 years ago

uhh I'm confused about why all the code for the api testing was added to this PR? I think we should generally keep PRs feature specific and not include unrelated code unless it's specifically mentioned in the PR. Was initially confused why there were 800 lines added for a css change. Also the 10 merges here really clutters up the commit history. I would suggest creating two separate PRs and closing this one, but since we're low on time we can just merge it.

CristianLara commented 6 years ago

@nevenwt I agree that the inconsistent styles for the dropdowns is bad. But you're also right that styling for dropdowns is a bit funky. ideally the trip duration dropdown will be gone soon so that it's not a problem :)