CristianVasile23 / conversation-hud

A simple FoundryVTT module that adds a nice HUD that display the portraits of all the characters present in a conversation.
MIT License
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[Feature Request] Option to move the npc list on different sides of the screen #32

Open FGiorgi opened 6 months ago

FGiorgi commented 6 months ago

Great module! When you minimize a conversation, the list of npcs appears on the right side of the screen. Would there be a way to choose in the configs to dock it on others sides of the screen? Like horizontally at the bottom or top, or vertically on the left side? I think that could make for a great addition.

Also would be great if there were options to choose the size of the minimized portraits of both inactive and active speakers (to make it possible, for example, to make the inactive ones smaller and the active one bigger, to give more prominence to the active speaker)

CristianVasile23 commented 6 months ago

Hey and thanks for the kind words!

Regarding the positioning of the NPCs when minimized, I have tried placing the list in other places but the results were less than favorable. The only location where it looked somewhat decent was on the right, but that still posed some issues so I decided to scrap the entire alternate placement idea. While it would definitely be nice, the effort required to make it work is not worth it (the main issue being to ensure that the module looks good and works on all supported resolutions).

The different sized portraits however can be done and I will look into it. This feature won't be coming in the upcoming release, but I will start working on it after that so stay tuned for that!

CristianVasile23 commented 3 months ago

Hey, and sorry for the long delay in updates. I have looked into the differently sized portraits, however, due to the way that the module has been implemented, those different sizes caused issues especially for the DM (since there are control buttons linked to each participant and making the sizes smaller would have caused issues.)

That said, I might try something in the future as I will be rewriting the module so as to simplify many aspects as well as to make the module more flexible. When I will do so, I will definitely try to incorporate some of the features you have mentioned (which should be much easier to implement with a fresh codebase and now that I am familiar with how Foundry works). This unfortunately might take a while :(