CristianVasile23 / conversation-hud

A simple FoundryVTT module that adds a nice HUD that display the portraits of all the characters present in a conversation.
MIT License
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Drag from one conversation to another? #42

Closed PapaXilion closed 3 months ago

PapaXilion commented 5 months ago

Hey Cristian! Love your module!

I have a request; would it be possible to drag from one conversation to another? With all the prepwork on factions and whatnot, I am considering making one large 'cast' conversation, then drag who I need for a particular scenario into a new convo, and run it. For that, I'd need to be able to pull a participant from one list to another, including any registered faction.

Would that at all be possible? It would be an amazing Quality of Life improvement!

PapaXilion commented 5 months ago

I was thinking, being able to tie the faction registration to a token would suffice as well already, as I'd be able to make quick lists on the fly with that. But dragging would still have my preference.

CristianVasile23 commented 4 months ago

Hey and sorry for the late reply. I haven't had time to look over CHUD the last couple of weeks.

That said, I have started work on the new update for the module and I will be adding support for participant drag and drop. This was an oversight from my part. I have no idea how I missed this when implementing drag and drop considering that you can drag and drop a conversation sheet into another one (and many other item types), but somehow I forgot to add the option to drag a participant from a sheet to another one.

Rest assured, this is a very easy addition and I will be adding this feature to the next version of the module coming sometime in the next couple of weeks.

In the meantime, as a workaround, you can create individual sheets for each actor and drag and drop them that way.

CristianVasile23 commented 3 months ago

With release 5.4.0 you can now drag and drop participants from one conversation to another. This works on all drag and drop compatible elements (you can drag and drop a participant from the active conversation onto a sheet, etc.).

If there are any issues or questions, feel free to contact me and I will try to solve them as soon as possible.