CristianVasile23 / conversation-hud

A simple FoundryVTT module that adds a nice HUD that display the portraits of all the characters present in a conversation.
MIT License
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Feature request: include name of journal when dragging journal with image into Conversatin HUD #54

Open franckflo opened 1 month ago

franckflo commented 1 month ago

First: I love this module, and I'm very grateful for your hard work!

I do have a suggestion to try an improve this great tool: when a token is dragged to conversation HUD (either the preparation window, or the actual conversation after it's started), dragging a token automatically includes its name in the label. It would be great if the same thing occurred when I drag a journal with a single image.

Another option (or maybe you could include both) would be able to quickly click or double-click on the label in the conversation HUD to change the name (even if it's empty) on the fly.

CristianVasile23 commented 1 month ago

I have no idea why I haven't added the image name as well, quite the oversight from my part. I will fix this in the next version of the module.

Regarding the double click to edit, I don't really want to add that (at the moment) as I am not really a fan of double click to edit and I also think it's not very intuitive to the users that they can do that. The feature would also require a bit of rewriting on how the edit functionality works, but maybe I can add something like this in the rework that will be happening sometime in the future.

CristianVasile23 commented 1 month ago

I need a bit of clarification regarding this issue. I was looking over the code for this, and as it stand, the default behavior when dropping a journal that has an image attached is for the participant that is created to have the name of the image label.

In the example above, when I drop the journal into the conversation, the image caption is used.

Are you using the default FoundryVTT journal image? Can you give me some additional info so I can further look into your issue because on my end it seems fine and I cannot replicate the behavior described.

Thanks in advance!