CristianVasile23 / conversation-hud

A simple FoundryVTT module that adds a nice HUD that display the portraits of all the characters present in a conversation.
MIT License
17 stars 3 forks source link

Enhancement - Toggle hud to make changes without players seeing & preloaded conversation on scene change #60

Open Bekradan opened 3 months ago

Bekradan commented 3 months ago

Hi, Great mod its an absolute fab idea.

Couple of possible enhancements if you are able to implement.

First, is it possible for GM to make the hud visible without players seeing it. That give you the opportunity to drag and drop new NPC's and remove them without players seeing. Then have a button to activate for players.

Second and this one might not be possible, but to have a set conversation load per scene. At the moment you have to close a conversation move scene, open conversation hud and drag and drop a journal list or add/drag NPC in.

If I have missed any funcationality that covers the above already please accept my apology in advance.

Brilliant mod even as it is, really gets the voices going and players understand who ist talking so much easier.

CristianVasile23 commented 2 months ago

Hi there and sorry for the late reply.

There is a feature that allows conversations to be set per scene and on a scene toggle they will start. This however appears to be broken on V12 (which I assume you are on) since the structure of the Ambience tab of the Scene Config has been changed. I am working on a fix, but I do not know when it will be ready as I do not have a lot of time to work on the module at the moment.

Regarding the first feature, I agree that a visibility toggle that affects only the players is a good idea and I am going to implement something like that in the future. Again, I do not know when that will be, but it is certainly something that I will be adding.

That said, thanks a lot for the kinds words and I am glad that you enjoy this module!

Bekradan commented 2 months ago

You are a star! Yes, found it on V11 as V12 just is not ready yet for me to make the permanent leap to it.

Re the player visibility toggle that would be great. Perfect setup then. My group has four GM's as part of it and we are now all using conversation hud in our respective games. It was the module we never knew we needed and now we have it definately want to see it grow.