CriticalPathSecurity / Zeek-Intelligence-Feeds

Zeek-Formatted Threat Intelligence Feeds
MIT License
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[Feature] Create zkg.meta for ZKG compatibility #20

Closed vrijicon closed 2 years ago

vrijicon commented 2 years ago

My first issue I've ever submitted. I'm looking to drop this into a Zeek deployment using ZKG rather then through the defined means. The command I used was: zkg install The error I got then was: error: invalid package "": missing zkg.meta (or bro-pkg.meta) metadata file Some resources related to this can be found here:

While drafting this issue, I realized that the cronjob is necessary to maintain updated feeds, and I'm realizing that may conflict with using this proposed method of deployment (zkg vs. cronjob-github/manual).

My formal request is to see if we could implement a zkg.meta file, for zkg installation. But I'd like to see what the author(s) think of this, and if this was already considered in the past.

Patrick-Kelley commented 2 years ago

This will likely require some considerable thought.

The threat feeds are intentionally dynamic, which makes packaged installation tough. I also don't want to "force" changes into cron without the operator knowing clearly that we are doing so.

I'll think about it this week.