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Ensure v1.0 and v1.1 gene models can be searched #11

Open nathanhaigh opened 5 years ago

nathanhaigh commented 5 years ago

This might require checking and running the search indexing of JBrowse over the appropriate GFF3 files for the corresponding GFF3 attribute tags.

nathanhaigh commented 5 years ago

Attributes that might be useful to index are:

nathanhaigh commented 5 years ago

Probably only makes sense to be able to search the description field. The BDxref and Ontology_term fields will likely yield many results.

nathanhaigh commented 5 years ago

Problems with moving to TabixGFF for gene models, is that FeatureSequence doesn't support them, so wouldn't be able to have right click context menu to access the sequence pertaining to the CDS etc of the gene.