CroatianMeteorNetwork / RMS

RPi Meteor Station
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stop reprocessing if capture time #192

Closed g7gpr closed 11 months ago

g7gpr commented 11 months ago

Wrt to Issue #171, allows at least one directory to be reprocessed, but it it is time to capture does not allow any more to be processed, until the next day.

dvida commented 11 months ago

So I'm torn on this one because I can see this get stuck in an infinite loop of half-processed observations. I'd rather have fully processed nights ASAP than wait for them to be processed or perhaps even deleted by the disk management code.

g7gpr commented 11 months ago

It's perhaps something I'll keep for my own stations. Up to you.

dvida commented 11 months ago

You can add that as an option in the config file, with it being disabled by default.

g7gpr commented 11 months ago

OK. Will implement and test.

g7gpr commented 11 months ago

This can't get stuck in a loop of half processed observations. If an observation starts to get reprocessed it will not be interrupted, even if this means that capture start is delayed; the break occurs at the end of processing one night of data, not during the processing of a night.

dvida commented 11 months ago

I guess it will always reprocess one, but not more than one?

g7gpr commented 11 months ago

If reprocess is called, then it will always reprocess one unprocessed directory, as the conditional break comes after the function that does the reprocessing. If capture is not due to start, then it will start working on the next directory. So capture may end up starting later, but it should not reprocess all through the night.

One station got turned off at dawn each morning as it had been moved onto a circuit controlled by a photocell. When this problem was resolved, it did not capture anything for four days while it worked through all the broken directories. This is to protect against that situation.

dvida commented 11 months ago

Okay, I think this sounds reasonable now.