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TrackStack - multi cores support #224

Closed aitov closed 8 months ago

aitov commented 8 months ago

Current version of TrackStack supports only one core for stacking and it takes a lot of time for big amount of meteors (i.e. in meteor shower maximum it could be up to 200-300) This version is attempt to improve performance as modern CPUs have 4 and more cores.

I made tests for stacking of 30 meteors and got next results on my test environments:

Mac M2 Pro (10 cores) single core time : 1 min 20 sec all cores time : 21 sec

Raspberry Pi 4 (4 cores) (my friend still using Pi for stacks ) single core time : 18 min 23 sec all cores time : 5 min 53 sec

Any suggestions - welcome

aitov commented 8 months ago

Hi, TQDM could not be used in multi core as it wrapper on list (or I need suggestion how to integrate it). I made inline thermometer which looks pretty same but without remaining time and scrolls only when QueuedPool prints current jobs state (probably need add option to suppress prints)

Also I thought to create new file with name like StackTrack2 to leave current as is, I can do if it is preferable option. But it means someone will use old and wait )) Yesterday I created track stack for 280 full hd meteors for only 4min

printProgress method

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

ok, ref tqdm, that makes sense. I did wonder if that might be a problem, and anyway it hopefully removes a dependency. I'll pull this branch to one of my systems and run it for a couple of days if thats ok?

aitov commented 8 months ago

Sure, I think we need more testing but can't find volunteers with different envs, I'm testing on everyday basis but probably exists other issues which cannot be reproduced on Mac or Raspberry Pi.

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

I think the progress bar code is not valid on a Pi3 because the end= kwarg is not supported in python 2.7. print("\rStacking : {:02.0f}%|{}{}| {}/{} ".format(percent, "█" progress, " " (progress_bar_len - progress), current, total), end="") ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

You might need to put some conditionality round this if sys.version_info[0] < 3: use python-2 compatible code else: use python-3 code

dvida commented 8 months ago

You can probably just put "from future import print_function" at the top and that should solve it.

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

Also i have a problem with the unicode character in that print() statement which generates an error on my test pi4 as its not a valid character in ISO-8859-1. This turns out to be because my test pi4 does not have en_US.UTF-8 locale enabled. I enabled it and then everything worked, but i don't think we can guarantee that en_US.UTF-8 will be enabled on all target machines and so the unicode character might be a problem. You might need to test whether the character is available (put a try/except round the code?), and then use a different character if the block character isn't available.

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

@dvida yes, that works though it should be

from __future__ import print_function 

(I think github removed the underscores from your comment!)

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

I tested with a set of 188 meteors. Previously, it took 140 minutes to stack these data on my "production" Pi4 with 2GB memory.

After deploying this update, the same stack took: 8 minutes on a quad-core i5-6500 with 48GB memory running Windows 10. 45 minutes on a quad-core Pi4 with 1GB memory, running Buster. 75 minutes on a quad-core Pi3 with 1GB memory. running Jessie with python 2.7, after Denis' suggestion to fix the print function, however drawConstellations crashed preventing the file being saved, File "Utils/", line 37, in drawConstellations cv2.line(img, (round(from_x[i]), round(from_y[i])), (round(to_x[i]), round(to_y[i])), color_bgr, 1)

On both Pis, the "Stacking" percentage progress bar only appeared occasionally, mostly being skipped or perhaps overwirtten by messages such as the below. I don't think this is a big issue, as stacking did complete successfully albeit with the above problem with drawConstellations. ' ----- Cores in use: 4 Active worker threads: 4 Idle worker threads: 0 Total jobs: 182 Finished jobs: 72 ' ----- Cores in use: 4 Active worker threads: 4 Idle worker threads: 0 Total jobs: 182 Finished jobs: 76 ' -----

aitov commented 8 months ago

Hi, thank you for your help! From side I'm going to :

aitov commented 8 months ago

Also i have a problem with the unicode character in that print() statement which generates an error on my test pi4 as its not a valid character in ISO-8859-1. This turns out to be because my test pi4 does not have en_US.UTF-8 locale enabled. I enabled it and then everything worked, but i don't think we can guarantee that en_US.UTF-8 will be enabled on all target machines and so the unicode character might be a problem. You might need to test whether the character is available (put a try/except round the code?), and then use a different character if the block character isn't available.

@markmac99 could you please specify what error message you got? during testing on python 2.7 I got next 2 errors:

aitov commented 8 months ago

create venv and test on Python 2.7 and check drawConstellations issue

This issue also present in current version - fixed by type cast

replace "█" (copied from TQDM) symbol by "#" to support also non unicode systems (or check if UTF-8 not supported)

I tested with code bellow and all issues which I had - resolved, need test with locale ISO-8859-1 (not sure how to set it), I'm expecting no errors but it could print something wrong

symbol = u'\u2588'
     symbol = str(symbol)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
     symbol = symbol.encode('utf-8')

add flag to QueuedPool to control prints of state which will be enabled by default but disabled for TrackStack (is it ok?)

added flag and tested on Raspberry Pi - looks good

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

Thanks, I'll pull this and run some tests later today on Windows, Pi4 and Pi3. Will also try on Ubuntu if i get time.

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

unfortunately, still getting a unicode error on my Pi4 Stacking : 05%| | 9/182 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/pi/source/RMS/RMS/", line 356, in _workerFunc result = func(*all_args, *self.func_kwargs) File "/home/pi/source/RMS/Utils/", line 430, in stackFrame printProgress(finished_count.value, num_ffs) File "/home/pi/source/RMS/Utils/", line 454, in printProgress print("\rStacking : {:02.0f}%|{}{}| {}/{} ".format(percent, symbol progress, " " * (progress_bar_len - progress), current, total), end="") UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\u2588' in position 16: ordinal not in range(256)

I'll do some testing to see if i can find the workaround.

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

Unfortunately, if the OS doesn't understand UTF-8, then the symbols with a value > 255 can't be printed whether encoded or not and str() of the unicode character just converts it into a unicode string I think. You could use a try/except round the print statement, and use a different symbol entirely if it fails?
try: symbol='█' print(...) except Exception: symbol = 'X' print(...)

ISO-8859-1 is another name for 256-bit ASCII.

aitov commented 8 months ago


it produced error on my env: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe2' in file seems like it could be fixed by adding in file:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

but if no utf-8 support not sure how it could be handled

Is your snipped above working for ISO-8859-1 ?

dvida commented 8 months ago

I might be missing something, but why not have a progress bar that looks something like: [XXXXXX-----------]

That should be fully cross-platform and only uses ASCII characters. It's not as pretty, but it does the job.

aitov commented 8 months ago

That should be fully cross-platform and only uses ASCII characters. It's not as pretty, but it does the job.

Agree, initial try was copy progress bar from TQDM lib. @markmac99 I committed one more version - could you please try one more time?

if will not help - let's replace with "#" symbol.

markmac99 commented 8 months ago

No luck I'm afraid. On the Pi4 it still fails with File "/home/pi/source/RMS/Utils/", line 450, in printProgress UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character '\u2588' in position 16: ordinal not in range(256)

The problem is, neither of these tests fail

  symbol = str(symbol)

because in Python3, I believe all strings are unicode strings (this is different to python2 where strings are single-byte-character arrays). And so the Except... isn't triggered.

The only safe test is whether the print() statement fails, i think. But i agree with Denis comment, just use an eASCII character!

I did get it to work ok with this:

        symbol = u'\u2588'
        print("\rStacking : {:02.0f}%|{}{}| {}/{} ".format(percent, symbol * progress, " " * (progress_bar_len - progress), current, total), end="")
    except Exception:
        symbol = 'X'
        print("\rStacking : {:02.0f}%|{}{}| {}/{} ".format(percent, symbol * progress, " " * (progress_bar_len - progress), current, total), end="")
Using 4 cores
Stacking : 100%|XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| 182/182
All workers are idle!
aitov commented 8 months ago

Replaced with "#", for me it looks better than "X"

Stacking : 100%|####################| 30/30 
All workers are idle!