CroatianMeteorNetwork / RMS

RPi Meteor Station
GNU General Public License v3.0
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GenerateMP4s: Add filter by mag and shower #264

Closed markmac99 closed 4 months ago

markmac99 commented 5 months ago

Change to GenerateMP4s: Add optional parameters to filter by magnitude and shower, and add labels to the video indicating mag and shower.

At present, the script converts all detections in the target folder into short videos.

This change allows one to select only bright events, or to filter by shower. So for example one could produce videos of all meteors brighter than mag -3 which were Geminids.

Additionally, the verbose output of ffmpeg has been suppressed since it adds no value to the script, and the selection of the FTPdetect file has been simplified by use of a common function.

Tested on windows 10, Ubuntu (under WSL) and Raspberry Pi4 (32-bit).