CroatianMeteorNetwork / RMS

RPi Meteor Station
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Placeholder required for RPi build scripts #280

Open edharman opened 3 months ago

edharman commented 3 months ago

For the sake of continuity we need a home for the scripts developed to turn a Raspi Foundation release into something resembling a distributable RMS image - we have a working core script and are currently working on scripting the addition of other components folk expect to find in a released image. As part of the current build process I had to build PyQt5 from source which took >4h on an RPi-4 and I saved the cached .whl's for later re-use in the development process, however the Qt5 wheel is quite large ~5Mb so not hostable here, and obviously may change if the python/kernel version increments etc.. So we need a home for the documentation describing the build process so that others perhaps can re-use for subsequent releases.

I could have made a universal installer covering both Linux and RPi and place in the existing MultiCam scripts dir but I suspect we would not wish to encourage folk to 'roll their own' due to the complexities involved.

So am looking for a suitable home to 'park' these artefacts

g7gpr commented 2 weeks ago

There are two options which I can think of. Submit a pull request to put them somewhere in this repository, or create a new repository just to hold these scripts.