Crocoblock / suggestions

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Mouse-over delay when hovering JetMenu (megamenue) item #1040

Open Butikkartikler opened 4 years ago

Butikkartikler commented 4 years ago

Experince some customers complaining over that the JetMenu opens everytime mouse passes over. There should be a setting for a delay so passing over fast did not trigger megamenu to open. E.g when you have clicked on a top tab and pass on the way down again it would be great if the was a couple of 100 ms delay before the megamenu pops open.

karaburmication commented 3 years ago


rikedyp commented 2 years ago


SINFOUND commented 2 years ago

This is critical. please see the facebook discussion about this.

hamed-azimi commented 2 years ago

The standard in the industry is that mouseenter has a little delay on catching the hover, but mouseleave is immediate.

Just a few giant websites as an example to see how their menu's mouseenter and mouseleave work:

But in JetMenu it is actually the opposite. The menu catches the hover immediately but closes the menu with delay. Which causes issues.

Having 2 options to fully control these 2 things will be a great thing.

The thing is, JetMenu has the codes partially ready:

P.S: please, no CSS solution. Just fix the JS and add 2 little options to control them.

stickypages commented 2 years ago

I created a small tweak to their code to implement this hover issue! jet-menu-public-scripts.js

Line 72: let debounceTimer, mouseOverEntryTimer, Line 79: mouseOverEntryTimer = setTimeout(() => { /// .... Line 94: }, 250); Line 143: clearTimeout( mouseOverEntryTimer );

Here is the entire file, as of today: `( function( $ ) { 'use strict';

 * JetMegaMenuClass
class JetMegaMenuClass {

     * [constructor description]
     * @return {[type]} [description]
    constructor( instance, options ) {
        this.defaultSettings = {
            menuId: '0',
            menuUniqId: window.jetMenu.getUniqId(),
            layout: 'horizontal',
            subTrigger: 'item', // item, submarker
            subEvent: 'click', // hover, click
            rollUp: true,
            breakpoint: 768, // Minimal menu width, when this plugin activates
            mouseLeaveDelay: 500,
            megaWidthType: 'container',
            megaWidthSelector: '',
            classes: {
                instance: 'menu',
                menuContainer: 'menu-container',
                menuList: 'menu-list',
                menuItem: 'menu-item',
                menuItemLink: 'menu-item__link',
                subMenuContainer: 'sub-menu',
                subMenuList: 'sub-menu__list',
                megaContainer: 'mega-container',

        this.$instance = $( instance );
        this.settings = $.extend( this.defaultSettings, options );
        this.$window = $( window );
        this.$document = $( document );
        this.$body = $( 'body' );
        this.isRTL = this.$body.hasClass( 'rtl' );
        this.isDropdownState = false;


    createInstance() {
        this.$menuList = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuList }`, this.$instance );
        this.$menuItems = $( `>.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }:not(.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--roll-up)`, this.$menuList );
        this.$rollUpItem = $( `>.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--roll-up`, this.$menuList );

        this.menuItemsData = this.$menuItems.toArray().map( function( item ) {
            return {
                element: item,
                outerWidth: $( item ).outerWidth( true ),
                offsetLeft: $( item )[0].offsetLeft,
        } );

        this.initWatcher( 50 );

        this.$instance.addClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--inited` );
        this.$document.trigger( 'JetMegaMenuInited' );

    initEvents() {
        let debounceTimer, mouseOverEntryTimer,
            eventHandler = 'JetMegaMenu',
            $itemTargetSelector = 'item' === this.settings.subTrigger ? `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem } > .${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }__inner` : `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem } > .${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }__inner .${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }__dropdown`;

        switch ( this.settings.subEvent ) {
            case 'hover':
                this.$instance.on( `mouseenter.${ eventHandler }`, `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem } > .${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }__inner`, { instance: this }, ( event ) => {
                    mouseOverEntryTimer = setTimeout(() => {
                        let $target       = $( ),
                            $menuItem     = $target.parents( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }` ),
                            $subContainer = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.subMenuContainer }:first, .${ this.settings.classes.megaContainer }:first`, $menuItem ),
                            templateId    = $ 'template-id' ) || false;

                        $( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover`, this.$instance ).removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );

                        if ( $menuItem.hasClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }-has-children` ) ) {
                            $menuItem.addClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );

                            if ( templateId ) {
                                //instance.maybeTemplateLoad( templateId, subMenu );
                    }, 250);
                } );

                this.$instance.on( `mouseleave.${ eventHandler }`, `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem } > .${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }__inner`, ( event ) => { /* Item Mouse Leave Event */ } );

            case 'click':

                this.$instance.on( `click.${ eventHandler }`, $itemTargetSelector, ( event ) => {

                    let $currentTarget = $( event.currentTarget ),
                        $menuItem      = $currentTarget.closest( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }` ),
                        $siblingsItems = $menuItem.siblings(`.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }-has-children` ),
                        $subContainer  = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.subMenuContainer }:first, .${ this.settings.classes.megaContainer }`, $menuItem ),
                        templateId     = $ 'template-id' ) || false;

                    if ( $siblingsItems.length ) {
                        $siblingsItems.removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );
                        $( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }-has-children`, $siblingsItems ).removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );

                    if ( $menuItem.hasClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }-has-children` ) ) {
                        if ( ! $menuItem.hasClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` ) ) {
                            $menuItem.addClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );
                        } else {
                            $menuItem.removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );

                        if ( templateId ) {
                            //instance.maybeTemplateLoad( templateId, subMenu );
                    } else {

                } );

        this.$instance.on( `mouseenter.${ eventHandler }`, `.${ this.settings.classes.subMenuContainer }, .${ this.settings.classes.megaContainer }`, ( event ) => {
            clearTimeout( debounceTimer );
        } );

        this.$instance.on( `mouseenter.${ eventHandler }`, ( event ) => {
            clearTimeout( debounceTimer );
        } );

        this.$instance.on( `mouseleave.${ eventHandler }`, ( event ) => {
            clearTimeout( mouseOverEntryTimer );
            debounceTimer = setTimeout( () => {
                $( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover`, this.$instance ).removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );
            }, this.settings.mouseLeaveDelay );
        } );

        this.$window.on( `orientationchange.${ eventHandler } resize.${ eventHandler }`, ( event ) => {
            $( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }`, this.$instance ).removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );
            this.$instance.removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--dropdown-open` );
        } );

        this.$document.on( `touchend.${ eventHandler }`, ( event ) => {

            if ( $( ).closest( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }` ).length ) {

            $( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }`, this.$instance ).removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--hover` );
        } );

        this.$instance.on( 'watchTickEventResetRegularState', ( event ) => {

            if ( this.$rollUpItem[0] ) {
                $( `.${ this.settings.classes.subMenuList }:first`, this.$rollUpItem ).empty();
                this.$rollUpItem[0].hidden = true;

            for ( let index = 0; index < this.menuItemsData.length; index++ ) {
                this.menuItemsData[ index ].element.hidden = false;
        } );

        this.$instance.on( 'watchTickEventResetDropdownState', ( event ) => {
            this.$instance.removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--dropdown-open` );
        } );

        this.$instance.on( `click.${ eventHandler }`, `.${ this.settings.classes.instance }-toggle`,   ( event ) => {

            if ( ! this.$instance.hasClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--dropdown-open` ) ) {
                this.$instance.addClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--dropdown-open` );
            } else {
                this.$instance.removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--dropdown-open` );
        } );


     * Init watcher function.
     * @param  {number} Watcher debounce delay.
     * @return {void}
    initWatcher( delay = 10 ) {
        $( window ).off( `resize.JetMegaMenu${ this.settings['menuUniqId'] }` ).on( `resize.JetMegaMenu${ this.settings['menuUniqId'] } orientationchange.JetMegaMenu${ this.settings['menuUniqId'] }`, this.debounce( delay, this.watchTick.bind( this ) ) );
        this.$instance.trigger( 'containerResize' );

     * Responsive menu watcher callback.
     * @param  {Object} Resize or Orientationchange event.
     * @return {void}
    watchTick( event ) {

        if ( this.isDropdown() ) {

            if ( ! this.isDropdownState ) {
                this.$instance.trigger( 'watchTickEventResetRegularState' );

            this.isDropdownState = true;
            this.$instance.removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--layout-horizontal ${ this.settings.classes.instance }--layout-vertical` );
            this.$instance.addClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--layout-dropdown` );
            this.$instance.trigger( 'watchTickEventDropdown' );
        } else {

            if ( this.isDropdownState ) {
                this.$instance.trigger( 'watchTickEventResetDropdownState' );

            this.isDropdownState = false;
            this.$instance.removeClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--layout-dropdown` );
            this.$instance.addClass( `${ this.settings.classes.instance }--layout-${ this.settings.layout }` );
            this.$instance.trigger( `watchTickEventRegular` );
            this.$instance.trigger( `watchTickEventRegular--${ this.settings.layout }` );

        this.$instance.trigger( 'watchTickEvent' );

     * Rollup rebuilding function.
     * @return {void}
    maybeRollUpItems() {
        this.$instance.on( 'watchTickEventRegular--horizontal', ( event ) => {

            if ( ! this.settings.rollUp ) {
                return false;

            let mainMenuWidth     = this.$instance.width(),
                visibleItemsArray = [],
                hiddenItemsArray  = [];

            for ( let index = 0; index < this.menuItemsData.length; index++ ) {
                let itemData     = this.menuItemsData[ index ],
                    nextItemData = this.menuItemsData[ index + 1 ] || false,
                    offsetLeft   = nextItemData ? nextItemData.offsetLeft : itemData.offsetLeft + itemData.outerWidth,
                    item         = itemData.element;

                if ( offsetLeft + this.$rollUpItem.outerWidth( true ) > mainMenuWidth ) {
                    item.hidden = true;
                    hiddenItemsArray.push( item );
                } else {
                    item.hidden = false;
                    visibleItemsArray.push( item );

            $( `.${ this.settings.classes.subMenuList }:first`, this.$rollUpItem ).empty();
            for ( let hiddenMenuItem of hiddenItemsArray ) {
                let $hiddenClone = $( hiddenMenuItem ).clone();

                $hiddenClone[0].hidden = false;

                $( `>.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }__inner >.${ this.settings.classes.menuItemLink }`, $hiddenClone ).toggleClass( `${ this.settings.classes.menuItemLink }--top-level ${ this.settings.classes.menuItemLink }--sub-level` );
                $( `.${ this.settings.classes.subMenuList }:first`, this.$rollUpItem ).append( $hiddenClone );

            this.$rollUpItem[0].hidden = hiddenItemsArray.length ? false : true;

            this.$instance.trigger( 'rollUpItemsEvent' );
        } )

     * Rebuild SubContainers function.
     * @return {void}
    rebuildSubContainers() {
        this.$instance.on( 'watchTickEventRegular--horizontal', ( event ) => {
            let $megaMenuList   = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.megaContainer }`, this.$instance ),
                $subMenuList    = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.subMenuContainer }`, this.$instance ),
                subInverseClass = `${ this.settings.classes.subMenuContainer }--inverse`,
                instanceWidth   = this.$instance.width(),
                instanceOffset  = this.$instance.offset();

            $subMenuList.each( ( index, element ) => {
                let $element = $( element );

                if ( this.isOffscreenX( element ) ) {
                    $element.addClass( subInverseClass );
                } else {
                    $element.removeClass( subInverseClass );
            } );

            switch( this.settings.megaWidthType ) {
                case 'container':
                    $megaMenuList.each( ( index, element ) => {
                        let $element           = $( element ),
                            $elementPosition = $ 'position' ),
                            elementOffset      = $element.offset(),
                            elementDeltaOffset = 'default' === $elementPosition ? ( instanceOffset.left - elementOffset.left ) : 0;

                        $element.css( {
                            '--jmm-submenu-width': `${ instanceWidth }px`,
                            '--jmm-submenu-delta-x-offset': `${ elementDeltaOffset }px`
                        } );
                    } );

                case 'selector':
                    let $customSelector = $( this.settings.megaWidthSelector );

                    if ( $customSelector[0] ) {
                        let selectorWidth = $customSelector.width(),
                            selectorOffset = $customSelector.offset();

                        $megaMenuList.each( ( index, element ) => {
                            let $element           = $( element ),
                                $elementPosition   = $ 'position' ),
                                elementOffset      = $element.offset(),
                                elementDeltaOffset = 'default' === $elementPosition ? ( selectorOffset.left - elementOffset.left ) : 0;

                            $element.css( {
                                '--jmm-submenu-width': `${ selectorWidth }px`,
                                '--jmm-submenu-delta-x-offset': `${ elementDeltaOffset }px`
                            } );
                        } );


                case 'items':
                    let $lastItem        = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--top-level:not([hidden]):last`, this.$instance ),
                        $firstItem        = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--top-level:not([hidden]):first`, this.$instance ),
                        lastItemBounding = $lastItem[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
                        firstItemBounding = $firstItem[0].getBoundingClientRect(),
                        itemsWidth       = lastItemBounding.x + lastItemBounding.width  - firstItemBounding.x;

                    $megaMenuList.each( ( index, element ) => {
                        let $element           = $( element ),
                            $elementPosition   = $ 'position' ),
                            elementOffset      = $element.offset(),
                            elementDeltaOffset = 'default' === $elementPosition ? ( instanceOffset.left - elementOffset.left ) : 0;

                        $element.css( {
                            '--jmm-submenu-width': `${ itemsWidth }px`,
                            '--jmm-submenu-delta-x-offset': `${ elementDeltaOffset }px`
                        } );
                    } );
        } );

        this.$instance.on( 'watchTickEventRegular--vertical', ( event ) => {
            let $megaMenuList    = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.megaContainer }`, this.$instance ),
                $subMenuList     = $( `.${ this.settings.classes.subMenuContainer }`, this.$instance ),
                instanceWidth    = this.$instance.width(),
                instanceHeight   = this.$instance.height(),
                instanceOffset   = this.$instance.offset(),
                windowWidth      = this.$window.outerWidth( true ),
                subInverseClass  = `${ this.settings.classes.subMenuContainer }--inverse`,
                megaInverseClass = `${ this.settings.classes.megaContainer }--inverse`;

            $subMenuList.each( ( index, element ) => {
                let $element = $( element );

                if ( this.isOffscreenX( element ) ) {
                    $element.addClass( subInverseClass );
                } else {
                    $element.removeClass( subInverseClass );
            } );

            $megaMenuList.each( ( index, element ) => {
                let $element            = $( element ),
                    $elementPosition    = $ 'position' ),
                    $parentElement      = $element.parent(),
                    elementOffset       = $element.offset(),
                    elementDeltaOffsetX = ( instanceOffset.left - elementOffset.left ) + instanceWidth,
                    elementDeltaOffsetY = 'default' === $elementPosition ? ( - ) : 0,
                    elementDeltaWidth   = ( elementDeltaOffsetX + $element.width() );

                if ( $parentElement.hasClass(`${ this.settings.classes.menuItem }--top-level` ) ) {
                    $element.css( {
                        //'--jmm-submenu-width': `${ instanceWidth }px`,
                        '--jmm-submenu-min-height': `${ instanceHeight }px`,
                        //'--jmm-submenu-delta-x-offset': `${ elementDeltaOffsetX }px`,
                        '--jmm-submenu-delta-y-offset': `${ elementDeltaOffsetY }px`
                    } );

                if ( this.isOffscreenX( element ) ) {
                    $element.addClass( megaInverseClass );
                } else {
                    $element.removeClass( megaInverseClass );
            } );
        } );

     * Reset Regular State
     * @return {void}
    resetRegularState() {}

     * Reset Dropdown State
     * @return {void}
    resetDropdownState() {}

     * Get mobile status.
     * @return {boolean} Mobile Status
    isDropdown() {
        return ( this.$window.width() < this.settings.breakpoint || 'dropdown' === this.settings.layout ) ? true : false;

     * @param element
     * @returns {boolean}
    isOffscreenX( element ) {
        let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();

        return (
            rect.x < 0 || ( rect.x + rect.width ) > window.innerWidth

     * Mobile and tablet check funcion.
     * @return {boolean} Mobile Status
    mobileAndTabletcheck() {
        let check = false;

        (function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4))) check = true;})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera);

        return check;

     * Debounce the function call
     * @param  {number}   threshold The delay.
     * @param  {Function} callback  The function.
    debounce( threshold, callback ) {
        let timeout;

        return function debounced( $event ) {
            function delayed() {
       this, $event );
                timeout = null;

            if ( timeout ) {
                clearTimeout( timeout );

            timeout = setTimeout( delayed, threshold );

// jQuery plugin
$.fn.JetMegaMenu = function( options ) {
    return this.each( function() {
        let $this         = $( this ),
            pluginOptions = ( 'object' === typeof options ) ? options : {};

        if ( ! $ 'JetMegaMenu' ) ) {
            // create plugin instance (only if not exists) and expose the entire instance API
            $ 'JetMegaMenu', new JetMegaMenuClass( this, pluginOptions ) );
    } );

} ( jQuery ));

// JetMenu Public Scripts ( function( $ ) { 'use strict';

window.jetMenu = {

    addedScripts: {},

    addedStyles: {},

    addedAssetsPromises: [],

    initedMobileRenderInstance: [],

    eventBus: new Vue(),

    $body: $( 'body' ),

    init: function() {

    initLocationMenuRender: function() {

        let $megaMenu = $( '.jet-mega-menu--location-wp-nav' );

        if ( $megaMenu[0] ) {
            let settings = $ 'settings' );

            $megaMenu.JetMegaMenu( {
                rollUp: settings.rollUp,
                layout: settings.layout,
                subTrigger: settings.subTrigger,
                subEvent: settings.subEvent,
                breakpoint: settings.breakpoint,
                megaWidthType: settings.megaWidthType,
                megaWidthSelector: settings.megaWidthSelector,
                classes: {
                    instance: 'jet-mega-menu',
                    menuContainer: 'jet-mega-menu-container',
                    menuList: 'jet-mega-menu-list',
                    menuItem: 'jet-mega-menu-item',
                    menuItemLink: 'jet-mega-menu-item__link',
                    subMenuContainer: 'jet-mega-menu-sub-menu',
                    subMenuList: 'jet-mega-menu-sub-menu__list',
                    megaContainer: 'jet-mega-menu-mega-container',
            } );


    initMobileRender: function() {

        let mobileMenuList = $( '.jet-mobile-menu--location-wp-nav' );

        if ( ! mobileMenuList[0] ) {
            return false;

        if ( 'true' === window.jetMenuPublicSettings.devMode ) {
            Vue.config.devtools = true;

        mobileMenuList.each( function() {
            let $this          = $( this ),
                menuInstanceId = $this.attr( 'id' ),
                menuId         = $ 'menu-id' ) || false,
                menuOptions    = $ 'menu-options' ) || {};

            jetMenu.createMobileRenderInstance( menuInstanceId, menuId, menuOptions );
        } );

    createMobileRenderInstance: function( menuInstanceId, menuId, menuOptions ) {

        if ( jetMenu.initedMobileRenderInstance.includes( menuInstanceId ) ) {

        jetMenu.initedMobileRenderInstance.push( menuInstanceId );

        let mobileRenderInstance = new Vue( {
            el: '#' + menuInstanceId,
            data: {
                uniqId: menuInstanceId,
                menuOptions: menuOptions,
                refsHtml: {},
            mounted: function() {
                let refsHtml = {};

                for ( var ref in this.$refs ) {
                    Object.assign( refsHtml, { [ ref ]: this.$refs[ ref ].innerHTML } );

                this.refsHtml = refsHtml;
        } );

    mobileVueComponents: function() {

        Vue.component( 'mobile-menu-item', {
            template: '#mobile-menu-item-template',

            props: {
                itemDataObject: Object,
                depth: Number

            data: function() {
                return ( {
                    ajaxRequest: null,
                    templateLoadStatus: false,
                    subDropdownVisible: false
                } )

            computed: {

                itemClasses: function() {
                    let itemClasses = [
                        'jet-menu-item-' + this.itemDataObject.itemId,
                        'jet-mobile-menu__item--sub-trigger-' + ( this.$root.menuOptions.subTrigger || 'item' ),

                    let customClasses = this.itemDataObject.classes;

                    if ( 0 !== customClasses.length ) {
                        itemClasses = itemClasses.concat( customClasses );

                    if ( window.location.href === this.itemDataObject.url ) {
                        itemClasses.push( 'jet-mobile-menu__item--active' );

                    return itemClasses;

                itemLinkClasses: function() {
                    let classes = [
                        0 === this.depth ? 'mobile-top-level-link' : 'mobile-sub-level-link',

                    return classes;

                isСhildrenDefine: function() {
                    return this.itemDataObject.children ? true : false;

                isTemplateDefine: function() {
                    return false !== this.itemDataObject.elementorTemplateId ? true : false;

                isSub: function() {
                    return this.isСhildrenDefine || this.isTemplateDefine ? true : false;

                isTopLevel: function() {
                    return 0 === this.depth ? true : false;

                isDropdownLayout: function() {
                    return this.isSub && ! this.isTemplateDefine && 'dropdown' === this.$root.menuOptions.subOpenLayout;

                depthClass: function() {
                    return 0 === this.depth ? 'mobile-top-level-link' : 'mobile-sub-level-link';

                dropdownIconHtml: function() {
                    let dropdownIcon = this.$root.refsHtml.dropdownIcon ? this.$root.refsHtml.dropdownIcon : '<span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-right"></span>',
                        dropdownOpenedIcon = this.$root.refsHtml.dropdownOpenedIcon ? this.$root.refsHtml.dropdownOpenedIcon : '<span class="dashicons dashicons-arrow-down"></span>';

                    if ( this.subDropdownVisible ) {
                        dropdownIcon = dropdownOpenedIcon;

                    return dropdownIcon;

                itemIconHtml: function() {
                    return this.itemDataObject.itemIcon;

                isIconVisible: function() {
                    let iconVisible = this.$root.menuOptions.itemIconVisible;

                    return ! iconVisible || '' === this.itemDataObject.itemIcon || ! this.itemDataObject.itemIcon ? false : true;

                isBadgeVisible: function() {
                    let badgeVisible = this.$root.menuOptions.itemBadgeVisible;

                    return false === badgeVisible || '' === this.itemDataObject.badgeText || ! this.itemDataObject.badgeText ? false : true;

                isDescVisible: function() {
                    let descVisible = this.$root.menuOptions.itemDescVisible;

                    return false === descVisible || '' === this.itemDataObject.description || ! this.itemDataObject.description ? false : true;

                loaderColor: function() {
                    return this.$root.menuOptions.loaderColor || '#3a3a3a';

            methods: {
                itemSubHandler: function( event ) {
                    let target     =,
                        mobileLink = $( target ).closest( '.mobile-link' );

                    if ( 'item' !== this.$root.menuOptions.subTrigger ) {

                    if ( this.isSub && mobileLink ) {

                    if ( ! this.isSub && mobileLink && this.$root.menuOptions.closeAfterNavigate ) {
                        jetMenu.eventBus.$emit( 'closeMenu', {
                            menuUniqId: this.$root.menuOptions.menuUniqId,
                        } );

                    this.switchToSub( event );

                markerSubHandler: function( event ) {

                    if ( 'submarker' !== this.$root.menuOptions.subTrigger ) {

                    this.switchToSub( event );

                switchToSub: function( event ) {

                    if ( ! this.isSub ) {

                    if ( ! this.isTemplateDefine ) {

                        if ( this.isDropdownLayout ) {
                            this.subDropdownVisible = !this.subDropdownVisible;


                        jetMenu.eventBus.$emit( 'itemsSubSwitch', {
                            menuUniqId: this.$root.menuOptions.menuUniqId,
                            children: this.itemDataObject.children || false
                        } );

                    } else {

                        if ( ! this.itemDataObject.elementorContent ) {
                        } else {

                            jetMenu.eventBus.$emit( 'showTemplateContent', {
                                menuUniqId: this.$root.menuOptions.menuUniqId,
                                elementorContent: this.itemDataObject.elementorContent
                            } );

                getElementorTemplate: function() {
                    var vueInstance = this;

                    vueInstance.ajaxRequest = $.ajax( {
                        type: 'GET',
                        url: window.jetMenuPublicSettings.templateApiUrl,
                        dataType: 'json',
                        data: {
                            'id': vueInstance.itemDataObject.elementorTemplateId,
                            'dev': window.jetMenuPublicSettings.devMode
                        beforeSend: function( jqXHR, ajaxSettings ) {

                            if ( null !== vueInstance.ajaxRequest ) {

                            vueInstance.templateLoadStatus = true;

                            jqXHR.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', window.jetMenuPublicSettings.restNonce );
                        success: function( responce, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
                            var templateContent   = responce['template_content'],
                                templateScripts   = responce['template_scripts'],
                                templateStyles    = responce['template_styles'];

                            for ( var scriptHandler in templateScripts ) {
                                jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises.push( jetMenu.loadScriptAsync( scriptHandler, templateScripts[ scriptHandler ] ) );

                            for ( var styleHandler in templateStyles ) {
                                jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises.push( jetMenu.loadStyle( styleHandler, templateStyles[ styleHandler ] ) );

                            vueInstance.templateLoadStatus = false;

                            vueInstance.itemDataObject.elementorContent = templateContent;

                            jetMenu.eventBus.$emit( 'showTemplateContent', {
                                menuUniqId: vueInstance.$root.menuOptions.menuUniqId,
                                elementorContent: vueInstance.itemDataObject.elementorContent
                            } );
                    } );


        Vue.component( 'mobile-menu-list', {
            template: '#mobile-menu-list-template',
            props: {
                depth: Number,
                childrenObject: Object
        } );

        Vue.component( 'mobile-menu', {
            template: '#mobile-menu-template',

            data: function() {
                return ( {
                    menuOpen: false,
                    children: false,
                    itemsRawData: {},
                    breadcrumbsData: [],
                    animation: 'items-next-animation',
                    ajaxRequest: null,
                    templateVisible: false,
                    instanceLoadStatus: false,
                    itemTemplateContent: false,
                    headerTemplate: this.$root.menuOptions['headerTemplate'] || 0,
                    headerContent: false,
                    headerTemplateVisible: false,
                    beforeTemplate: this.$root.menuOptions['beforeTemplate'] || 0,
                    beforeContent: false,
                    afterTemplate: this.$root.menuOptions['afterTemplate'] || 0,
                    afterContent: false,
                    ajaxPromises: [],
                } )

            mounted: function() {
                let vueInstance = this;

                if ( this.menuOpen ) {
                    jetMenu.$body.addClass( 'jet-mobile-menu-visible' );

                    if ( 'slide-out' === this.$root.menuOptions.menuLayout ) {
                        jetMenu.$body.addClass( 'jet-menu-body-blocker' );

                    new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
                        $.ajax( {
                            type: 'GET',
                            url: window.jetMenuPublicSettings.menuItemsApiUrl,
                            dataType: 'json',
                            data: {
                                'menu_id': vueInstance.menuId,
                                'dev': window.jetMenuPublicSettings.devMode,
                                'lang': window.jetMenuPublicSettings.wpmlLanguageCode || false
                            beforeSend: function( jqXHR, ajaxSettings ) {
                                jqXHR.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', window.jetMenuPublicSettings.restNonce );
                            success: function( responce, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
                                let responceData =;

                                vueInstance.itemsRawData = responceData;

                        } );
                    } )

                if ( 0 !== +this.headerTemplate ) {
                        new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
                            $.ajax( {
                                type: 'GET',
                                url: window.jetMenuPublicSettings.templateApiUrl,
                                dataType: 'json',
                                data: {
                                    'id': vueInstance.headerTemplate,
                                    'dev': window.jetMenuPublicSettings.devMode
                                beforeSend: function( jqXHR, ajaxSettings ) {
                                    jqXHR.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', window.jetMenuPublicSettings.restNonce );
                                success: function( responce, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
                                    let templateContent = responce['template_content'],
                                        templateScripts = responce['template_scripts'],
                                        templateStyles  = responce['template_styles'];

                                    for ( let scriptHandler in templateScripts ) {
                                        jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises.push( jetMenu.loadScriptAsync( scriptHandler, templateScripts[ scriptHandler ] ) );

                                    for ( let styleHandler in templateStyles ) {
                                        jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises.push( jetMenu.loadStyle( styleHandler, templateStyles[ styleHandler ] ) );

                                    vueInstance.headerContent = templateContent;
                                    vueInstance.headerTemplateVisible = true;

                            } );
                        } )

                if ( 0 !== +this.beforeTemplate ) {
                        new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
                            $.ajax( {
                                type: 'GET',
                                url: window.jetMenuPublicSettings.templateApiUrl,
                                dataType: 'json',
                                data: {
                                    'id': vueInstance.beforeTemplate,
                                    'dev': window.jetMenuPublicSettings.devMode
                                beforeSend: function( jqXHR, ajaxSettings ) {
                                    jqXHR.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', window.jetMenuPublicSettings.restNonce );
                                success: function( responce, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
                                    let templateContent = responce['template_content'],
                                        templateScripts = responce['template_scripts'],
                                        templateStyles  = responce['template_styles'];

                                    for ( let scriptHandler in templateScripts ) {
                                        jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises.push( jetMenu.loadScriptAsync( scriptHandler, templateScripts[ scriptHandler ] ) );

                                    for ( let styleHandler in templateStyles ) {
                                        jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises.push( jetMenu.loadStyle( styleHandler, templateStyles[ styleHandler ] ) );

                                    vueInstance.beforeContent = templateContent;

                            } );
                        } )

                if ( 0 !== +this.afterTemplate ) {
                        new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
                            $.ajax( {
                                type: 'GET',
                                url: window.jetMenuPublicSettings.templateApiUrl,
                                dataType: 'json',
                                data: {
                                    'id': vueInstance.afterTemplate,
                                    'dev': window.jetMenuPublicSettings.devMode
                                beforeSend: function( jqXHR, ajaxSettings ) {
                                    jqXHR.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', window.jetMenuPublicSettings.restNonce );
                                success: function( responce, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
                                    let templateContent = responce['template_content'],
                                        templateScripts = responce['template_scripts'],
                                        templateStyles  = responce['template_styles'];

                                    for ( let scriptHandler in templateScripts ) {
                                        jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises.push( jetMenu.loadScriptAsync( scriptHandler, templateScripts[ scriptHandler ] ) );

                                    for ( let styleHandler in templateStyles ) {
                                        jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises.push( jetMenu.loadStyle( styleHandler, templateStyles[ styleHandler ] ) );

                                    vueInstance.afterContent = templateContent;
                            } );
                        } )

                this.instanceLoadStatus = true;

                Promise.all( this.ajaxPromises ).then( function() {
                    vueInstance.instanceLoadStatus = false;
                }, function( reason ) {
                    console.log( 'Script Loaded Error' );
                } );

                jetMenu.eventBus.$on( 'itemsSubSwitch', function ( payLoad ) {

                    if ( vueInstance.$root.menuOptions.menuUniqId !== payLoad.menuUniqId ) {

                    vueInstance.trail.push( payLoad.children );
                    vueInstance.children = payLoad.children;
                    vueInstance.animation = 'items-next-animation';
                    vueInstance.breadcrumbsData.push( );
                } );

                jetMenu.eventBus.$on( 'showTemplateContent', function ( payLoad ) {

                    if ( vueInstance.$root.menuOptions.menuUniqId !== payLoad.menuUniqId ) {

                    vueInstance.itemTemplateContent = payLoad.elementorContent;
                    vueInstance.templateVisible = true;
                    vueInstance.breadcrumbsData.push( );
                    vueInstance.animation = 'items-next-animation';

                } );

                jetMenu.eventBus.$on( 'closeMenu', function( payLoad ) {

                    if ( vueInstance.$root.menuOptions.menuUniqId !== payLoad.menuUniqId ) {

                } );


            watch: {
                menuOpen: function( curr, prev ) {

                    if ( curr ) {
                        jetMenu.$body.addClass( 'jet-mobile-menu-visible' );

                        if ( 'slide-out' === this.$root.menuOptions.menuLayout ) {
                            jetMenu.$body.addClass( 'jet-menu-body-blocker' );


                    if ( ! curr ) {
                        jetMenu.$body.removeClass( 'jet-mobile-menu-visible' );

                        if ( 'slide-out' === this.$root.menuOptions.menuLayout ) {
                            jetMenu.$body.removeClass( 'jet-menu-body-blocker' );


            computed: {
                instanceClass: function() {
                    let classes = [
                        'jet-mobile-menu__instance--' + this.$root.menuOptions.menuLayout + '-layout',
                        this.$root.menuOptions.menuPosition + '-container-position',
                        ( this.$root.menuOptions.togglePosition || 'default' ) + '-toggle-position',

                    return classes;

                menuContainerVisible: function() {
                    return this.menuOpen && !this.instanceLoadStatus;

                menuId: function() {

                    if ( this.$root.menuOptions.mobileMenuId ) {
                        return this.$root.menuOptions.mobileMenuId;

                    return this.$root.menuOptions.menuId;

                coverVisible: function() {

                    let avaliableForLayout = [

                    return avaliableForLayout.includes( this.$root.menuOptions.menuLayout );

                itemsList: function() {

                    if ( ! this.children ) {
                        return this.itemsRawData;

                    return this.children;

                isClose: function() {
                    let avaliableForLayout = [

                    return avaliableForLayout.includes( this.$root.menuOptions.menuLayout );

                isBack: function() {
                    return this.children || this.templateVisible ? true : false;

                isBreadcrumbs: function() {
                    return this.$root.menuOptions.useBreadcrumb && 0 !== this.breadcrumbsData.length ? true : false;

                breadcrumbsPathData: function() {

                    if ( 'minimal' === this.$root.$root.menuOptions.breadcrumbPath && 1 < this.breadcrumbsData.length ) {
                        return this.breadcrumbsData.filter( ( item, index, breadcrumbsData ) => {
                            return  index === breadcrumbsData.length - 1;
                        } );

                    return this.breadcrumbsData;

                depth: function() {
                    return this.trail.length;

                containerPosition: function() {
                    return this.$root.menuOptions.menuPosition;

                showAnimation: function() {

                    let animation = false;

                    switch( this.$root.menuOptions.menuLayout ) {

                        case 'slide-out':
                            animation = 'right' === this.containerPosition ? 'menu-container-left-animation' : 'menu-container-right-animation';

                        case 'dropdown':
                            animation = 'menu-container-dropdown-animation';

                        case 'push':
                            animation = 'menu-container-expand-animation';

                    return animation;

                toggleClosedIcon: function() {
                    return this.$root.refsHtml.toggleClosedIcon || '';

                toggleOpenedIcon: function() {
                    return this.$root.refsHtml.toggleOpenedIcon || '';

                toggleText: function() {
                    return '' !== this.$root.menuOptions.toggleText ? this.$root.menuOptions.toggleText : false;

                closeIcon: function() {
                    return this.$root.refsHtml.closeIcon || '';

                backIcon: function() {
                    let backIcon = this.$root.refsHtml.backIcon || '',
                        backText = '' !== this.$root.menuOptions.backText ? '<span>' + this.$root.menuOptions.backText + '</span>' : '',
                        backHtml = backIcon + backText;

                    return backHtml;

                backText: function() {
                    return '' !== this.$root.menuOptions.backText ? this.$root.menuOptions.backText : false;

                breadcrumbIcon: function() {
                    return this.$root.refsHtml.breadcrumbIcon || '';

                loaderColor: function() {
                    return this.$root.menuOptions.loaderColor || '#3a3a3a';

                toggleLoaderVisible: function() {
                    return this.$root.menuOptions.toggleLoader && this.instanceLoadStatus && this.menuOpen ? true : false;

                beforeTemplateVisible: function() {
                    return this.beforeContent ? true : false;

                afterTemplateVisible: function() {
                    return this.afterContent ? true : false;


            methods: {
                menuToggle: function() {
                    this.menuOpen = ! this.menuOpen;

                closeMenu: function() {
                    this.menuOpen = false;

                clearStates: function() {
                    this.trail = [];
                    this.children = false;
                    this.breadcrumbsData = [];
                    this.templateVisible = false;

                goBack: function() {

                    this.animation = 'items-prev-animation';

                    if ( ! this.templateVisible ) {
                        this.$delete( this.trail, this.trail.length - 1 );
                        this.children = this.trail.slice(-1)[0] || false;
                    } else {
                        this.templateVisible = false;

                    this.$delete(this.breadcrumbsData, this.breadcrumbsData.length - 1);

                escapeKeyHandler: function() {

                    if ( this.isBack ) {
                    } else {

                showTemplateContent: function() {
                    let vueInstance = this;

                    this.$nextTick( function() {
                        let $templateContainer = $( vueInstance.$refs['template-content'] ).find( '.jet-mobile-menu__template-content' );

                        jetMenu.elementorContentRender( $templateContainer );
                    } );

                initTemplatesContent: function() {
                    let vueInstance = this;

                    this.$nextTick( function() {

                        if ( vueInstance.headerContent ) {
                            let $headerContainer = $( vueInstance.$refs['header-template-content'] );

                            jetMenu.elementorContentRender( $headerContainer );

                        if ( vueInstance.beforeContent ) {
                            let $beforeContainer = $( vueInstance.$refs['before-template-content'] );

                            jetMenu.elementorContentRender( $beforeContainer );

                        if ( vueInstance.afterContent ) {
                            let $afterContainer = $( vueInstance.$refs['after-template-content'] );

                            jetMenu.elementorContentRender( $afterContainer );
                    } );

                breadcrumbHandle: function( index ) {

                    if ( index === this.breadcrumbsData.length ) {

                    if ( 'minimal' === this.$root.menuOptions.breadcrumbPath ) {


                    this.animation = 'items-prev-animation';
                    this.trail = this.trail.slice( 0, index );
                    this.children = this.trail.slice( -1 )[0] || false;
                    this.templateVisible = false;
                    this.breadcrumbsData = this.breadcrumbsData.slice( 0, index );


    loadScriptAsync: function( script, uri ) {

        if ( jetMenu.addedScripts.hasOwnProperty( script ) ) {
            return script;

        jetMenu.addedScripts[ script ] = uri;

        return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
            var tag = document.createElement( 'script' );

                tag.src    = uri;
                tag.async  = true;
                tag.onload = function() {
                    resolve( script );

            document.head.appendChild( tag );
        } );

    loadStyle: function( style, uri ) {

        if ( jetMenu.addedStyles.hasOwnProperty( style ) && jetMenu.addedStyles[ style ] ===  uri) {
            return style;

        jetMenu.addedStyles[ style ] = uri;

        return new Promise( function( resolve, reject ) {
            var tag = document.createElement( 'link' );

            = style;
                tag.rel     = 'stylesheet';
                tag.href    = uri;
                tag.type    = 'text/css';
         = 'all';
                tag.onload  = function() {
                    resolve( style );

            document.head.appendChild( tag );

    elementorContentRender: function( $templateContainer, templateContent ) {
        let content = templateContent || false;

        Promise.all( jetMenu.addedAssetsPromises ).then( function( value ) {

            if ( templateContent ) {
                $templateContainer.html( templateContent );

            // Before ajax frontend init
            $( window ).trigger( 'jet-menu/ajax/frontend-init/before', {
                $container: $templateContainer,
                content: content,
            } );

            jetMenu.elementorFrontendInit( $templateContainer );

            // Before ajax frontend init
            $( window ).trigger( 'jet-menu/ajax/frontend-init/after', {
                $container: $templateContainer,
                content: content,
            } );
        }, function( reason ) {
            console.log( 'Script Loaded Error' );

    elementorFrontendInit: function( $templateContainer ) {

        $templateContainer.find( 'div[data-element_type]' ).each( function() {
            var $this       = $( this ),
                elementType = $ 'element_type' );

            if ( ! elementType ) {

            try {
                if ( 'widget' === elementType ) {
                    elementType = $ 'widget_type' );

                    if ( window.elementorFrontend && window.elementorFrontend.hooks ) {
                        window.elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction( 'frontend/element_ready/widget', $this, $ );

                if ( window.elementorFrontend && window.elementorFrontend.hooks ) {
                    window.elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction( 'frontend/element_ready/global', $this, $ );
                    window.elementorFrontend.hooks.doAction( 'frontend/element_ready/' + elementType, $this, $ );

            } catch ( err ) {


                return false;
        } );

    getUniqId: function() {
        return Math.random().toString( 36 ).substr( 2, 9 );



} ( jQuery ) ); `

hamed-azimi commented 2 years ago

@stickypages I literally told them in my chats that all it takes to fix this annoying bug is a few lines of js codes (5 or 6 lines, considering implementing a condition as well), and as you see it only took 4 half-lines (we call it 4 lines, but the actual amount of codes won't be even a half a line)

Assuming they are so kind as to fully extend this feature by adding options to the plugin's settings to control both delays, it should not add any more than 15 lines in total.

hamed-azimi commented 2 years ago

@stickypages you know one issue about the provided solution? is that let's say you have 5 dropdowns on your menu, and you set the delay to 800ms. The expected behavior is that when you first hover the mouse over one of them, it takes 800ms to register the hover and open it, but then if you move your mouse over other dropdowns it should immediately open them, but now it takes 800ms for each of them to register the hover.

To see a demo of expected behavior you can check Macys's website. If you hover your mouse over an item on the menu, it takes a little time to load, but then if you move to other items on the menu (without leaving the menu completely), it immediately opens them with no delay. (but if you close the menu and try to open it again, it again has the delay, which is logical)

stickypages commented 2 years ago

@Dadparvar Hey, i didn't look too closely, but i understand what your saying. All you should need to do to adjust it for just top-level-nav options, is just move your closing tag Up. }, 250);

To where it's not including the SUB nav items. At the same time, 800ms is quite a long time to delay a menu from opening up.

vladvaleanu commented 2 years ago

+1 it would be really helpful!

aalandes commented 2 years ago

+1 This is very necessary! With full width mega menus, the angle from the point of hover to the sub menu items overlaps with other top level items, causing other mega menus to open. You essentially need to hover over the menu item, then move your mouse down into the mega menu and then across to the menu items - this is not natural and causing a lot of headaches for our client and their customers! Come on guys!?

barttermorshuizen commented 2 years ago

+1 this breaks usability - angry clients, cannot blame them!

drakulux commented 1 year ago

+1 Im considering adding the tweak above, what are the implications?

stickypages commented 1 year ago

Only that it will be gone if you update the plugin

On Sat, Dec 3, 2022, 6:20 AM drakulux @.***> wrote:

+1 Im considering adding the tweak above, what are the implications?

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drakulux commented 1 year ago

Thanks Stickypages, I was able to implement the code above, but I was trying to apply the solution u mention above for it not affecting sub pages by moving the closing brackets up but I wasnt able to get it to work, looks like the sub items are nested in the main function.

Also is it possible to have the mega menu close quicker when the mouse has left it?

SINFOUND commented 1 year ago

@ Crocoblock devs: this issue is almost 3 years old. When can we expect this in JetMenu?

kevinmckerracher commented 1 year ago

@Crocoblock yes please. If you can help with adding options to delay the menu opening that would be great.

Jlazar1996 commented 1 year ago

100% this is a critical improvement for this plugin. Other similar menu plugins (Max Mega Menu) has this feature and it improves usability so much especially when you have full width large menus it can be really annoying having them open up when you are just moving your mouse somewhere

lxmultimedia commented 1 year ago

This feature would be highly appreciated. Please. Thank you.

ghost commented 1 year ago

@Crocoblock +1 This feature would be highly appreciated!! Thanks!

aureliePrd commented 1 year ago


TIIUNDER commented 2 months ago
