Crocoblock / suggestions

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Add the possibility to edit slot and appointment from the front end via a form #2238

Open Hannah2626 opened 3 years ago

Hannah2626 commented 3 years ago


I have created a real estate website. Real estate agents can submit their properties and the time to visit the properties. I have created a form that the agents can submit their properties directly from the front end. In the same form, the agent notifies the slot of the visit and the days that people can book an appointment. I have created a form that they can edit their properties and modify them. I wanted to do the same for the appointment in order that they can modify the day and hours people can visit their properties. But unfortunately, it is not possible to edit and modify the slot, working day etc . Agents have to delete the ads and recreate the whole ad to modify the day and hours people can visit their properties. It is very problematic. It will be great if you can add this possibility. Best regards Hannah

MakhonkoDenis commented 3 years ago

Hey. Do you mean something like this? This template has the ability to create new posts and edit them if you are not a site administrator.

You can try this. login: demo1 password: demo1

TODO4EVER commented 3 years ago

Hey, in this template when you tick an item from the addons list, the prices is changed in the post, but not while checking out, it shows the original prices in the checkout form. Also if you go back from the checkout form, the price is reset to the original but the addons are still ticked. Anyway to remedy this issue ?

Hannah2626 commented 3 years ago

Hi Is there any progress on this subject? Thanks for your contribution

Hey. Do you mean something like this? This template has the ability to create new posts and edit them if you are not a site administrator.

You can try this. login: demo1 password: demo1

It is not exactly what I am trying to do. You have used booking plugins and I am using the appointment plugin.