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[Feature Request] JetEngine: Dynamic Visibility on Repeater Fields #2632

Closed koermedia closed 1 year ago

koermedia commented 3 years ago

I would love to see Dynamic Visibility for individual Repeater Fields.

For instance, I have a sports website where I use custom fields to add matchup data to blog posts. I use the repeater field to list various stats and information about the game. I then use a Repeater Listing to showcase this data. I would like to have the ability to use Dynamic Visibility functions in the Repeater Listing to show/hide specific data about the game.

Currently, this is not possible.

This feature would help me create a more dynamic and unique website and I could see it being very useful for people using listing-based websites.



Highway596 commented 3 years ago

I second this request, very important to be able to hide dynamic repeater listings via a meta value (switcher, etc).

eatshootrock commented 3 years ago

Just found out that this is not possible. I would love for this feature to be added. Currently I have a repeater field on my custom post.

I want to hide that section if there are no data available.

Nedo90 commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem. On several websites I have media-downloads with a headline over each, which should be hidden with dynamic visability if no content is included. This would definitely be an important option to dynamically show and hide all dynamic content fields including dynamic repeater fields.

Willitbang commented 2 years ago


3wfdev commented 2 years ago

Yes, I really need this too. On a related note, would be great if the switchers and conditional fields work in repeaters on the Admin side too (similar to ACF)

marlokessler commented 2 years ago


Jonathlee commented 2 years ago


Important to have "conditional" for repeater field + columns in repeater field.

I need it to show "if have item have value" = "show this item with link <a href="%item_link%">%item_name%</a>

else just show item name


alisanie commented 2 years ago


kervis commented 2 years ago


terracellc commented 2 years ago


jhgeluk commented 2 years ago


lucasgueiros commented 2 years ago

I need this feature too! I need to hide a Dynamic Field on a Repeater Listing based on the value of another repeater field and also based on another field of the same Custom Post Type.

rtpHarry commented 2 years ago

Argh I just finished building out all the repeater fields and now when I look in the Dynamic Visibility options it seems its not there.

Is there not some way to enter the meta key manually? I'm not adverse to digging around in the code for this but not sure where to start.

WebsiteWerk commented 2 years ago


rtpHarry commented 2 years ago

Actually, I accidentally implemented this a few days ago haha.

I wrote a Dynamic Tag so that I could bind repeater values to my widgets.

I just checked and the Dynamic Visibility actually supports Dynamic Tags, so like I said, it's accidentally already implemented with my plugin!



The plugin is here:

And some more discussion of this plugin is here:

It only supports "text" fields at the moment, but I plan to expand it to support the other types of field like url, color, image, etc. If anyone has any urgent requirements please let me know and I'll focus on that.

rtpHarry commented 2 years ago

I've updated this to v1.1.0 now which adds support for all the types of dynamic tags including text, url, color, post meta, number, gallery, image, and media:

luisceladita commented 2 years ago


ofmarconi commented 2 years ago

Atualizei para a v1.1.0 agora, que adiciona suporte para todos os tipos de tags dinâmicas, incluindo texto, URL, cor, meta de postagem, número, galeria, imagem e mídia:


I'm trying to run this logic:

If there are any number of repeaters other than 0, display.

I'm recreating Highlights from Instagram: image

When I don't have any, I want this section not to be displayed.

nolabelstudios commented 2 years ago

Argh I just finished building out all the repeater fields and now when I look in the Dynamic Visibility options it seems its not there.

Is there not some way to enter the meta key manually? I'm not adverse to digging around in the code for this but not sure where to start.

@rtpHarry I couldn't get your plugin to work. I didn't have any items in a repeater, set the display conditions to hide if nothing exists and it still showed up. What are the correct settings to set to hide a section if no items exist in a repeater field?

rtpHarry commented 2 years ago

Sorry, that's not what my plugin does.

My plugin is for when you are building JetEngine "listings" templates.

When you want to display the contents of a repeater, you set up a listing template for it.

So the concept is that when you are building that single template, which is repeated once for every "row" of the repeater, you could only the Dynamic user controls to display the repeater data. For example the Dynamic Field widget, and there are a few others.

My plugin expands the range of widgets you can use within that listing template, such that instead of adding a Dynamic Field widget and having to manually add the snippet of <img src="%s" alt="" /> or something like that, then instead you could now just drop in a proper Image widget, and set the source using a Dynamic Tag and my plugin.

Following the same concept, within the repeaters listing template, you can also use the dynamic tag in the dynamic visibility options.

rtpHarry commented 2 years ago

I just looked into this a bit further. Couldn't you just use this option on the Listing Grid if you are trying to display a repeater that is empty?

carlpolson commented 2 years ago

So just curious if there is any way to use the Jet Engine Repeater Feild to hide or show the date fields? I am trying to use this to show dates (not in a series) on Jet Engine Calendar.

GaribayMarketing commented 2 years ago


RobertCastro commented 2 years ago

He actualizado esto a v1.1.0 ahora, que agrega soporte para todos los tipos de etiquetas dinámicas, incluidos texto, url, color, meta de publicación, número, galería, imagen y medios:

it worked for me, thanks

brunoalbim commented 2 years ago

I've updated this to v1.1.0 now which adds support for all the types of dynamic tags including text, url, color, post meta, number, gallery, image, and media:

Worked perfectly! Congratulations

filwi commented 2 years ago

In JE v3.0.0, rptHarry's plugin (v1.1.1) works, but you've got to use "Hide element if conditons are met" rather than show.

So it's the opposite of how it should work ;)

briski-design commented 1 year ago

Works wonderfully! Many thanks for the plugin!

pauserratgutierrez commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have a checkbox inside a repeater field in a CPT. I would like to dynamically display an image depending on which box is selected.

Here you can see the checkbox inside the repeater. I'm not able to target the selected checkbox in any way. The dynamic visibility doesn't work image image

EDIT: The main issue is that Dynamic Visibility doesn't allow us to use "Filter Field Output"

breakused commented 1 year ago


taropaa commented 1 year ago

Yup this seems to be broken or unfinished as I would expect this to work.

Zegklitz commented 1 year ago


borjamerino-v commented 1 year ago


morosmo commented 1 year ago

+1 Also Its very hard to add two different condition using dynamic visibilty. I try building woocommerce product lisitng . There are heading widget on lisitng which i want to show in listing if product is featured. This is easy to done but what if I want to hide it if product is on sale also. There is no option to set condition for that also woocomerce vsisibilty option only provide the option called "Product is on sale" If we can get further conditon in that like product sale and then we can select true or false so if product is not on sale we can select the condition product on sale and then on dropdown chosse true or false.

kaskad88 commented 1 year ago

Hello. Now it is possible to use Dynamic visibility for repeater fields through the Current Object Field dynamic tag for repeater listings created using Repeater Query.

Steps: 1) Create query for repeater field - 2) Create listing for repeater field by query - 3) And use the Current Object Field dynamic tag for Dynamic Visibility conditions

righijavier commented 1 year ago

I've updated this to v1.1.0 now which adds support for all the types of dynamic tags including text, url, color, post meta, number, gallery, image, and media:

Excellent! You are awesome! I was able to solve the problem with the plugin after spending 3 hours with a Crocoblock operator without reaching any solution!

muztagol commented 1 year ago

I've updated this to v1.1.0 now which adds support for all the types of dynamic tags including text, url, color, post meta, number, gallery, image, and media:

Worked perfectly! Congratulations

does not work with an accordion repeater :(

fernandesadrian commented 9 months ago

This was working perfectly until the recent jet engine or Elementor update. The "Repeater field" doesn't appear in the dynamic visibility section. Is there another alternative to achieve the same?

P.S: I ended up using Query Builder with the "Repeater Query" type function to get the desired output.


minide commented 4 months ago

I've updated this to v1.1.0 now which adds support for all the types of dynamic tags including text, url, color, post meta, number, gallery, image, and media:

Hey how can I use the plugin? Where do I download it from?

srestre commented 2 months ago


Important to have "conditional" for repeater field + columns in repeater field.

I need it to show "if have item have value" = "show this item with link <a href="%item_link%">%item_name%</a>

else just show item name


I've been lookin for solution to this problem for a long time... Anyobody could help us solve this? Thanks!