Crocoblock / suggestions

The suggestions for CrocoBlock project
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JetAppointment - Possibility to manage appointments, schedules, prices, from the front-end for each provider #3460

Open Louisjdv opened 3 years ago

Louisjdv commented 3 years ago

Hello !

First of all, congratulations for the development of your plugins. They are very efficient. However, in my opinion, your appointment booking plugin is missing a crucial element, the ability to manage all this from the front-end.

Let me explain. I was currently creating a booking site. This site will have thousands of providers each with different offers. It would be necessary that each provider can, for each of its offers, decide on an appointment time, the time between each appointment, the price according to the age... all this from the front-end, because it is currently impossible.

Is this in your plans?

Sincerely and good luck, take care of yourself, Louis

jpfrancois2021 commented 3 years ago


I am also joining this request since I already sent a ticket related to this "main" issue and I was informed by the support team that this was actually "not possible".

As @Louisjdv mentioned why do we need to have service/provider and assign appointment to providers if such providers can't manage their own schedules such as planning, service, time, price etc.??

When dealing with directory listing for services (which is my current project and main reason I joined the Crocoblock community) is to give the possibility to each provider to manage their own appointment schedule on frontend and since this isn't actually possible, I still need to find another plugin (which I haven't find yet) to give this option when I am already paying for Crocoblock plan and there is already and appointment addon) but without this feature!

My suggestion is that this is a MUST have feature which will make the Jet Appointment addon really worth it for such functionality and without the need for us as Crocoblock subscriber and supporter to need to find alternative solutions!

Thank you,

Jean Pierre

Louisjdv commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your very complete answer. I totally agree with you. If the subscription price has to increase, increase it, it is not expensive with the all-inclusive version, however as you say, this feature should be provided as standard.

jpfrancois2021 commented 3 years ago

I guess same features are requested in #2189 (1 year ago), #1873 (nearly 1 year) and #983 (more than a year). All these are related to the same features, give the possibility for each provider to manage their own availabilities, price etc. and without these features, this plugin/addon is somehow useless!

TODO4EVER commented 3 years ago

The more time you spend with jetappointments the more you realize how lacking it is. It is even more important to have appointments shown to each provider separately. Currently you can't do that which is mind boggling. The premise of this plugin is amazing, but yeah, it is severely lacking. Stopped using it.

Louisjdv commented 3 years ago

The more time you spend with jetappointments the more you realize how lacking it is. It is even more important to have appointments shown to each provider separately. Currently you can't do that which is mind boggling. The premise of this plugin is amazing, but yeah, it is severely lacking. Stopped using it.

Which plugin do you use? I've seen "LatePoint" which looks good?

TODO4EVER commented 3 years ago

The more time you spend with jetappointments the more you realize how lacking it is. It is even more important to have appointments shown to each provider separately. Currently you can't do that which is mind boggling. The premise of this plugin is amazing, but yeah, it is severely lacking. Stopped using it.

Which plugin do you use? I've seen "LatePoint" which looks good?

I am currently toying with Amelia but it is frustrating to deal with too, that's why I really really want Jetappointments to improve these issues, like you have complete freedom to do whatever you want, I wish they just give the plugin some attention, few dedicated months and it will be amazing...

I didn't know about LatePoint, will check it, thanks for the suggestion!

Louisjdv commented 3 years ago

Plus vous passez de temps avec des rendez-vous en jet, plus vous réalisez à quel point il manque. Il est encore plus important d'avoir des rendez-vous montrés à chaque fournisseur séparément. Actuellement, vous ne pouvez pas faire ce qui est ahurissant. La prémisse de ce plugin est incroyable, mais oui, il manque cruellement. Arrêté de l'utiliser.

Quel plugin utilisez-vous ? J'ai vu "LatePoint" qui a l'air bien ?

Je joue actuellement avec Amelia mais c'est frustrant à gérer aussi, c'est pourquoi je veux vraiment que Jetappointments améliore ces problèmes, comme si vous aviez la liberté totale de faire ce que vous voulez, je souhaite qu'ils accordent juste un peu d'attention au plugin, peu dédié mois et ce sera incroyable...

Je ne connaissais pas LatePoint, je vais le vérifier, merci pour la suggestion !

Yes Amelia is very frustrating I grant you. In any case the best solution would be an improvement of the crocoblock plugin, we only want that!

TODO4EVER commented 3 years ago

hopefully they will work on it, I was quiet happy with the backend appointments overhaul, good step! hopefully they will keep giving it some love.

jpfrancois2021 commented 3 years ago

As far as I know Amelia and LatePoint don't have multi provider option neither, the only one which might be useful is Booknetic (The Saas version) but I haven't tried it yet as the Saas version is very expensive ($489) and I am still reviewing to see if there are other options, that is why I purchase a subscription for Crocoblock but now after investing in Crocoblock, since the Crocoblock authors aren't responsive at all to this feature, I need to invest more money which isn't fair!!!

Louisjdv commented 3 years ago

As far as I know Amelia and LatePoint don't have multi provider option neither, the only one which might be useful is Booknetic (The Saas version) but I haven't tried it yet as the Saas version is very expensive ($489) and I am still reviewing to see if there are other options, that is why I purchase a subscription for Crocoblock but now after investing in Crocoblock, since the Crocoblock authors aren't responsive at all to this feature, I need to invest more money which isn't fair!!!

Thank you for your message. So I looked at the Booknetic plugin. With the Saas version, is it possible to keep the crocoblock lists, and to insert a Booknetic reservation form without having to select the service... ?

jpfrancois2021 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your message. So I looked at the Booknetic plugin. With the Saas version, is it possible to keep the crocoblock lists, and to insert a Booknetic reservation form without having to select the service... ?

That should be but I am not sure since I didn't tried it yet neither and there is no trial available as well to go deeper in the features. However, I am exploring another (cheaper) option at the moment which is the and I am looking at the "Developer Package" that has a multi-vendor functionality. It's definitely cheaper than the Booknetic plugin and looks like I may be able to achieve my requirements, it also has a free version but without the multi-vendor functionality though. I did messaged the developer based on my own requirements and waiting for a response there to take some final decisions related to my project.

Louisjdv commented 3 years ago

I found another solution, which is this:

  1. Buy WooCommerce Booking :
  2. Buy Product Vendor :
  3. Buy Elementor Connector for WooCommerce Bookings:

This is exactly what I am looking to do. However, JetEngine is not useful anymore.

jpfrancois2021 commented 3 years ago

That's a real shame! After 12 comments to this thread, not even a Crocoblock developer or team member is assigned to this thread and not even a single answer from their side! That is why, nowadays, people prefer to download such plugins from free sources rather than to pay for any subscription fee because once you have paid the subscription fee, developers are not even interested to hear about your concerns!!!

Floydtm commented 3 years ago

Guys, Hi! Please excuse us if this is inconvenient for you. I want to tell you a little about how we work. We have our own road map that we adhere to. In addition to the road map, there are also bug fixes. And finally, we take requests from the git. You must understand that the developers cannot monitor the issue all the time and answer you. If you have urgent questions, you can always contact our support team, the guys will always answer you. With regard to this request, we are planning to do so, but it will not be soon. Thank you and once again sorry for the inconvenience.

Louisjdv commented 3 years ago

Hello, there is no problem, it is quite understandable. Thank you for your feedback. Good luck, and look forward to your solution then!

futureyoon commented 3 years ago


450 (2yrs ago) :-)

Louisjdv commented 2 years ago


450 (2yrs ago) :-)

I have indeed seen many requests similar to mine. This one should arrive soon!

egnteam commented 2 years ago

450 + 1

raghuvirkonanki commented 2 years ago


carollodn commented 2 years ago

I seriously can't believe you are promoting a plugin showing a demo with multiple services and providers, and then there is no option for these providers to have their private backend area. As other people said, what's the point then?

I'm sad to go for a refund, I was happy with the all inclusive offer but doesn't really make much sense anymore

erich199 commented 2 years ago

I was about to open a request and found this was already requested.

I also would like to throw my hat into the +1 support for this idea.

jpfrancois2021 commented 2 years ago

Wow! 9 participants to this feature request and still no real reaction from the developers! Seems like we really count for them!

Anyway, at least will be good to see this feature added to the roadmap since it's very important for all of us here, we understand there are other priorities but as been part of paying subscribers here, we also deserve our voices to be listened!

Louisjdv commented 2 years ago

This feature interesting greatly apparently!

I'll create a ticket to see where they are, then I'll get back to you.

Wow! 9 participants à cette demande de fonctionnalité et toujours pas de réelle réaction des développeurs ! On dirait que nous comptons vraiment pour eux !

Quoi qu'il en soit, au moins ce sera bien de voir cette fonctionnalité ajoutée à la feuille de route car c'est très important pour nous tous ici, nous comprenons qu'il y a d'autres priorités mais en tant qu'abonnés payants ici, nous méritons également que nos voix soient écoutées !

findplacechile commented 2 years ago

I also need that function

Veltix commented 1 year ago

Maybe we get this christmas?

N624cc commented 1 year ago

This is a huge problem with Jet Appointments. I don't want the my clients to go near the dashboard. There should be an front end option for the website owner to view and update bookings. Ideally the end-user can update directly but at a minimum the business owner should be given a simoe way to maintain the appointments

metaphysika commented 1 year ago

I, too, would like to see some movement on this request. I want to use the plugin for booking appointments where client confidentiality is important. As such, without a way to show indivudual providers a custom list of just their client's appointments on the front end makes this plugin completely unusable. I really am impressed at how many custom dynamic data things Crocoblock plugins can accomplish, so I hope we can get this plugin up to par soon.

Louisjdv commented 1 year ago

Hello to all, and especially to the developers! ✌️

When do you think this feature will be available? Because it has been a while now. Moreover, it seems to be requested by many of your customers.

See you soon!

@MakhonkoDenis @Floydtm

GabrielVornicu commented 1 year ago

Hello all crocoblock developers, we really need this feature, it is amazing for me to use all your plugins in different projects, and now I want to have this feature, please take it into consideration to develop this feature.

thairincksilva commented 1 year ago

I spent days searching for solutions and seems like everybody here did the same. When crocoblock will hear us? Did not make sense them show a multi provider template in landing page and we can't give our customers the option for they set up a schedule by themselves??????????? wtf guys!!!!!

thairincksilva commented 1 year ago

Hello to all, and especially to the developers! ✌️

When do you think this feature will be available? Because it has been a while now. Moreover, it seems to be requested by many of your customers.

See you soon!

@MakhonkoDenis @Floydtm

hey man, did you know about a solution? I need create woocommerce + appointment system and give the possibility to the provider set up his schedule.. f**ck crocoblock dude

thairincksilva commented 1 year ago

Hello to all, and especially to the developers! ✌️

When do you think this feature will be available? Because it has been a while now. Moreover, it seems to be requested by many of your customers.

See you soon!

@MakhonkoDenis @Floydtm

hey man, I found a platform, the name is SetMore. look for staff scheduling, you can get more than one professional and them can set up their schedule.. you can use the payment option too, I think it will work!

erich199 commented 1 year ago

Hello to all, and especially to the developers! ✌️ When do you think this feature will be available? Because it has been a while now. Moreover, it seems to be requested by many of your customers. See you soon! @MakhonkoDenis @Floydtm

hey man, did you know about a solution? I need create woocommerce + appointment system and give the possibility to the provider set up his schedule.. f**ck crocoblock dude

I get your frustration my man but saying that kind of thing out of anger is counter productive. The developers have a host of plugins to maintain all while developing new features for the community. Lets not even go into the fact Crocoblock is a Ukrainian company.

I hope you found the features you're looking for in the mentioned plugin.

thairincksilva commented 1 year ago

Hey man, I did know about heir location.. Im sorry for that!

Qubadi commented 1 year ago


kristi-cre8ive commented 1 year ago

I want to add my support to this feature request, which would be super valuable to me.

nguyenmanhdoan commented 1 year ago


kokotsakis commented 1 year ago

+1 Weell this sucks, spent the last week trying to find answers/solutions to this. Building a site for a month now with tons of Crocobloc functions and plugins... Only piece missing is that the provider is automatically selected from the profile page and that the provider can manage their own booking.

The problem with using other appointment plugins, like LatePoint (which is awesome btw) is that I can't seem to automatically assign the user to the booking form. It is possible with static pages with LatePoint, but not when you have a dynamically created profile page (with JetEngine Profile Builder) - extra info for those it could work for.

-- I also would like to add a feature request to be able to book an appointment that stretches after 00.00. For example, if the duration is set to 6h, the user should be able to book the appointment for 22:00 and it would end at 04:00.

Louisjdv commented 1 year ago

Hello @MakhonkoDenis

Almost 2 years now since the opening of this application with +20 participants.

I would like to have explanations on the fact that there is no feedback from Crocoblock, a new version coming soon or not?

Crocoblock is losing interest, because there are a lot of plugins, but apart from JetEngine none of them are really finished.

Thank you for your answer

awsj007 commented 1 year ago

+1 i really need this feature

olyaastep commented 8 months ago

+1 also need this function and also for jet booking plugin ability to set advanced price rates through form!

Krisrtzu commented 4 months ago


rafaelsiek commented 1 month ago


gaustaf1 commented 2 weeks ago
