Crocoblock / suggestions

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Jetengine - Add feature to choose position of meta box(field) #413

Open realstephenzhao opened 5 years ago

realstephenzhao commented 5 years ago

I use ACF for a long time, it can add my field group to side to get me a clean interface.

See screenshot of ACF settings below

ACF field group position setting

ACF field group showed on CPT editor

Will Jetengine support this feature?

hellosubotai commented 2 years ago

Hi! What about this feature ?


Quokka013 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Created a site with Jet Engine and almost finished. Then found out this feature is not supported. Making it almost unworkable for me (15+ meta boxes).

when will this be supported or is there any kind of php hack to set fixed positions?

any help would be highly appreciated! Thx

morosmo commented 1 year ago

ACF provide very clean interface then jetengine. +1

dev-madstudio commented 1 year ago

ok I just found, I share if anyone else is looking. You have to click on the bottom arrow and the block moves in the sidebar.

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zanga7 commented 5 months ago

Any updates on this? It would be great to see.

muneeb-ashraf commented 2 months ago

Please add this feature. It's useful and required in some cases.

23Chromosomes commented 1 day ago

Should be standard in this day and age, as every other CPT plugin has this already.