Crocoblock / suggestions

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Appointment bookings from Website to Facebook Messenger notification / reminders #420

Open mrdzyn opened 4 years ago

mrdzyn commented 4 years ago

I believe this would be an awesome feature as I haven't seen anything that has ever thought of integrating their appointment scheduling tool with Messenger.

Let's face it, almost everyone is on Facebook already. It has become the no. source of customers for all B2C businesses.

Moreover, we have already evolved from Websites to Mobile then Apps and now Chatbots. Messenger marketing has been steadily growing the past couple of years.

How I imagine it will work:

  1. Bookings are done over the website powered by Wordpress - Crocoblock JetAppointments plugin. At the end of the scheduling workflow, there is a confirmation to receive the reminder notifications via FB messenger, which he/she can opt in or opt out.
  2. Once schedule / appointment is finalized, the confirmation is sent via email, SMS, and facebook messenger.
  3. A reminder notification is likewise sent to FB messenger if subscription is still active Wordpress   Facebook Messenger

Two ways I can see it being implemented 1.) partner with an already approved FB Bot framework like Manychat, Chatfuel,, Quriobot or Activechat 2.) Crocoblock to create its own bot framework or based on existing open source ones like Microsoft and Dialogflow.

I hope you guys like my idea!

mustafamohsen commented 4 years ago

Nice idea. It can extend #378

93petter93 commented 2 years ago
