Crocoblock / suggestions

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JetEnginge: List loading animation for speed & optimalization (Skeleton frame loading) #4271

Open Medienor opened 3 years ago

Medienor commented 3 years ago


When you switch filters with [JetSmartFilters] the list is not displaying any animation. The community asked for this last year but has been forgotten.

I am asking for something like this, you switch filters, and the skeleton of the "list" is loaded and the content is delayed by a few milliseconds (like a loading animation)

Here is a skeleton example:

Could this be added to new JetEnginge?

tizum commented 2 years ago

+1 is this already possible?

I would like to develop a project that is in figma, and I need this functionality, but I still haven't seen anything about how far I know jetEngine, I'm doing research on how to proceed.