Crocoblock / suggestions

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Post-Submit Actions/Notifications even after unsuccessfull submission #4592

Open hamed-azimi opened 2 years ago

hamed-azimi commented 2 years ago


I created a form to let users register on our site, and I've set 5 Post-Submit Actions / Notifications like this:

First, it registers the users, then sends an email to the admin, then sends an email to staff, and then sends an email to the user who registered, and then redirects the user to a page.

But here is the problem: when a user tries to register, but for some reason, let's say because the email already exists or the username contains not-allowed characters, the form shows an error (which means, the registration didn't complete), but the user and admin and staff still get their emails (so, even though the user is not registered, they will receive an email that says they now have an account with us, and admins also get an email that a new user is registered, although there is no new user)

This is a critical issue. There should be a way to let us set dependency for the actions/notifications, or at the very least, the form be smart enough to recognize if there is a "Register New User" action, then the rest of the actions/notifications be kinda depending on successful completion of that action.


Hammer-ger commented 2 years ago

that is realy a great issue. also for booking-form. imagin you would code critical infrastructure like that ;-)

but it is not a crocoblock problem. in theses days it is not modern to programm in a solid way.