Crocoblock / suggestions

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JetReviews: Add reviews manually, on the backend. #4683

Open BaronVonDerpsalot opened 2 years ago

BaronVonDerpsalot commented 2 years ago

I have a client with a 10 year old business. He has 1000s of reviews. There is no useful way to add these to his new site with JetReviews.

If adding when logged in, only 1 review per user.

This limitation can be bypassed by adding the reviews in an incognito window, as a non logged-in guest. However to achieve this, I have to allow anyone to leave any review, any time I or my client want to add reviews manually.

Please add an 'Add new' button to the 'All reviews' page. JetReviews is essentially unusable by anyone with significant pre-existing reviews.

julienaflalo commented 2 years ago


bortraws commented 4 months ago


This would be very handy. Customers often write great feedback to us via email. There's no way to enter that feedback into JetReview at the moment. With customers you only have a short moment where they are willing to write a review for you. If they do this through an unconventional way, like via email instead of via JetReview, it would be great to be able to add such reviews manually. I understand this is a way to enter false reviews, but I believe it is the website developer's responsibility to be honest and have integrity and make sure they ask for permission from the customer to place the feedback as a review.

We also have a lot of Woocommerce products of which existing reviews are not imported for some strange reason. We'd like to be able to add those manually.